Asean convention on ounter terrorism ม ป ญหาอะไร

Terrorist threats to the United States have evolved considerably since the September 11th attacks. Despite our success in detecting and preventing multi-actor, complex terrorist attacks, terrorists continue plotting in search of any kind of vulnerability that may permit them to conduct an attack against the United States. While this significant threat looms, decentralized terrorist groups have exploited the Internet and social media to constantly spread terrorist propaganda and training material that inspire and recruit individuals within the United States to radicalize to violence. Terrorist narratives across the ideological spectrum increasingly encourage the use of simple tactics that target large public gatherings using vehicular attacks, small arms, homemade explosives, or chemical, biological, or radiological materials. These attacks often lack overt warning signs, which limits opportunities for intervention or apprehension.

To prevent these attacks, the Department and its partners must engage in a comprehensive counterterrorism approach to prevent both foreign and domestic terrorism and more decisively confronts the terror threat to the Homeland. The Department also requires the tools and capabilities necessary to address targeted violence in all its forms, including threats to our schools, infrastructure, and houses of worship.

Meanwhile, nation-states are actively attempting to undermine democratic institutions and the prosperity of the American people. Preventing adversaries from exerting direct or indirect influence on the United States is essential to homeland security. DHS is collaborating with state, local, and tribal governments and private sector partners to disrupt these activities and raise awareness among our citizens, while continuing to enforce protections against foreign investments into the United States that threaten national security.

Transnational criminal organizations and their offshoots also pose serious threats to the American people and the Homeland. Their crimes include trafficking and smuggling of humans, drugs, weapons, and wildlife, as well as money laundering, corruption, cybercrime, fraud, financial crimes, intellectual property theft, and the illicit procurement of export-controlled material and technology. DHS is using its full breadth of law enforcement, border security, immigration, travel security, and trade-based authorities to proactively prevent, identify, investigate, disrupt, and dismantle these organizations.

In today's globalized society, no country is immune to terrorism and no country can effectively deal with terrorism alone. Southeast Asia has also been afflicted by the scourge of violence by terrorist and violent extremist groups. These threats intersect with ongoing conflicts and insurgencies, with some countries undergoing post-conflict transitional processes. Links between groups within the region pose heightened challenges as tactics, materials, and other forms of support can be easily exchanged. Terrorists are adept at exploiting countries with weak counter-terrorism capabilities, and even those countries which do not currently encounter terrorism threats, such as the countries in the Pacific should ensure adequate counter-terrorism preparedness. National action and international cooperation are key elements for addressing these issues effectively. The ability to successfully address the challenges depends heavily on the capacity of national criminal justice systems to administer fair and effective justice for perpetrators of terrorist crimes, and to undertake effective preventive measures in accordance with the rule of law.

Regional Responses:

Regional leaders have made clear terrorism prevention policy pronouncements and have adopted the ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism (2007), ASEAN Comprehensive Plan of Action on Counter Terrorism (2017), the ASEAN Plan of Action and Workplan to Prevent and Counter the Rise of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism (2018-2025), and the Pacific Island Forum adopted the Boe Declaration on Regional Security (2018).

Steady progress is being achieved regarding the ratification of international counter-terrorism (CT) instruments, with some countries having already ratified up to 13, and most countries have CT legislative provisions in place. However, many states need to undertake a review of their CT legislative provisions and adopt legislative modifications for establishing full compliance with the provisions of all 19 instruments, related UN Security Council resolutions and Financial Action Task Force Recommendations, as well as the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

Our Approach:

  • Stay abreast of national and regional developments in the terrorism landscape to ensure tailored and evidence-based interventions are developed;
  • Support the development and implementation of legislation, policies and strategies against terrorism and its financing in line with international standards and best practices;
  • Build capacity of government agencies and non-governmental actors to respond to terrorism and terrorism financing cases in accordance with human rights principles and rule-of-law based standards;
  • Support a whole-of-society approach to prevention of violent extremism and terrorism;
  • Enhancing mechanisms for regional and international cooperation.


Asean convention on ounter terrorism ม ป ญหาอะไร

Find out more about how UNODC assists Member States to strengthen and develop legislative frameworks, policies and strategies against terrorism and its financing. [Read more]


Asean convention on ounter terrorism ม ป ญหาอะไร

Click here to access our latest publications, reports, research and other updates on our work on terrorism prevention. [Read more]

Monthly News Bulletin

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