Nguyễn chánh thi ทราน เธ ยน ค ม

105 documents contain the indexing term NGUYEN CHANH THI

Documents 1 to 50 are shown below

ID Document 00548 24 January 1965 deliberations of Armed Forces Council (January 25, 1965) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED 00151 Alleged concern of majority of general officers that trend of relations with the United States may lead to withdrawal of U.S. aid (December 31, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: September 27, 1976 00480 Analysis of political situation in South Vietnam on 3/14/66 (March 14, 1966) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 20, 1980 00479 Anti-government protests in South Vietnam discussed (March 11, 1966) Cable; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: August 20, 1980 01334 Background and comments on the appointment of Colonel Nguyen Ngoc Loan as Commissioner of the Central Intelligence Organization (February 9, 1966) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: November 18, 1993 00265 Belief of senior military officers that Chief of State Suu should leave the government (May 29, 1965) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: September 16, 1977 00242 Buddhist plans to publicly oppose the government, to mount hunger strikes, and, if demands are not met, to issue anti-American statements and foment a governmental overthrow (December 3, 1964) Intelligence information cable; CONFIDENTIAL; SANITIZED Declassified: September 29, 1976 00450 Buddhist political plans and discussions with government leaders (March 16, 1966) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: October 11, 1979 00063 Catholic and student demonstrations in Da Nang are over (August 26, 1964) Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: May 26, 1976 00893 Claim of Revolutionary Dai Viet Party in Thua Thien Province that it will have some 6,500 members by end of February (February 18, 1967) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: April 1, 1993 00146 Comments of the Marine Commander on the unity of the Young Turks ... (December 23, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: September 24, 1976 00456 Coup rumors in Saigon (March 4, 1965) Office of Current Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: March 3, 1980 00155 Deliberations of Armed Forces Council (AFC) on 24 January (January 25, 1965) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED 00274 Description of US objectives (April 1966) Report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: March 31, 1978 01120 Discussion with President Johnson, Thursday evening, from 6:15 p.m. for about 10 minutes (February 25, 1965) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: June 3, 1996 00951 Dissension among South Vietnam's generals (August 2, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: December 16, 1993 00035 Efforts of Colonel Duong Ngoc Lam to promote a coup against General Nguyen Khanh (February 25, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 26, 1975 00084 Gen. Ky's views on present power position and intentions of Gen. Nguyen Khanh (February 3, 1965) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: April 30, 1976 00270 General Ky's comments to Thich Tam Chau on the personnel and program of the new government (June 14, 1965) Intelligence information cable; CONFIDENTIAL; SANITIZED Declassified: July 22, 1977 00204 General Nguyen Khanh's plans to relinquish his position as Prime Minister in favor of General Duong Van "Big" Minh (July 24, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: May 10, 1976 00104 Identification of the "Young Turks" group of military commanders and their views concerning General Nguyen Khanh and other matters (October 2, 1964) Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: July 27, 1976 00458 Indications of effect of Buddhist representatives in army units (March 12, 1965) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: March 3, 1980 00027 Khanh coup group considers selection of younger civilian as Prime Minister; four generals flown to Da Nang where they they will be imprisoned (January 31, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED 00212 Loyalties of the Armed Forces commanders and the possibility of success if a coup d'etat is attempted : situation appraisal as of 31 August 1964 (September 1, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED 00154 National Defense Force, clandestine Vietnamese organization which is predominantly Catholic, anti-neutralist, pro-Huong and anti-Khanh (January 22, 1965) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED 00114 Nguyen Khanh's wish to settle existing problems with the United States (December 30, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: September 27, 1976 00150 Possibility of negotiating with Armed Forces Council for return of High National Council (December 24, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: September 24, 1976 00447 Prime Minister Ky's view that General Thi may have lost support of the populace and may be engaged in political moves against the government (March 4, 1966) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: October 11, 1979 00122 Problems of political development in South Vietnam over the next year or so (December 15, 1966) National Intelligence Estimate; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: November 4, 1975 00145 Remarks by General Nguyen Chanh Thi reflecting his "unhappiness" with the United States (December 22, 1964) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: September 16, 1976 01340 Rumored corrupt practices of I Corps Commander General Nguyen Chanh Thi (February 24, 1966) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: November 18, 1993 00152 Rumors of imminent military take-over of government (January 4, 1965) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: September 27, 1976 00959 Situation in South Vietnam (November 21, 1966) Weekly report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: December 16, 1993 00968 Situation in South Vietnam (October 6, 1965) Weekly report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: August 24, 1993 00947 Situation in South Vietnam (July 11, 1966) Weekly report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: December 20, 1993 00566 Situation in South Vietnam (March 3, 1965) Weekly report; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: November 24, 1980 00697 Situation in South Vietnam (September 1, 1965) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 30, 1986 00698 Situation in South Vietnam (September 8, 1965) Monthly report; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 30, 1986 00699 Situation in South Vietnam (September 15, 1965) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 30, 1986 00700 Situation in South Vietnam (September 22, 1965) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 30, 1986 00834 Situation in South Vietnam (September 9, 1968) Weekly report; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: June 25, 1990 00972 Situation in South Vietnam (September 29, 1965) Weekly report; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: August 24, 1993 00836 Situation in South Vietnam (September 23, 1968) Weekly report; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: June 25, 1990 00859 Situation in South Vietnam (January 5, 1966) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: June 10, 1991 00860 Situation in South Vietnam (January 26, 1966) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 10, 1991 00867 Situation in South Vietnam (February 2, 1966) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 10, 1991 00958 Situation in South Vietnam (August 25, 1965) Weekly report; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: September 9, 1993 00957 Situation in South Vietnam (June 15, 1966) Weekly report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: December 20, 1993 00879 Situation in South Vietnam (November 17, 1965) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: May 5, 1992 00880 Situation in South Vietnam (January 12, 1966) Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 10, 1991