บริษัท ยั ส ปาล จำกัด สมัคร งาน

บริษัท ยั ส ปาล จำกัด สมัคร งาน

���ͺ���ѷ��ʻ�� (Jaspal Group of Companies)

บริษัท ยั ส ปาล จำกัด สมัคร งาน

1. ����ѷ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �繼���㹸�áԨῪ������ͧ�觡�� �ù�� Jaspal, CPS:CHAPS, CPS:MEN, CPS 4/12, Lyn, CC-OO, Footwork Noir ����繼�������ͧ���Ὺ�蹤س�Ҿ�������ҡ��ҧ����� ��觨�˹������ҹ Footwork �����駹�����ͧ��� Rider,Sonora,Melissa ��� ��觨�˹������ҧ��þ�Թ��Ҫ�鹹� ����ѷ���������.�آ���Է 66/1 �Ѩ�غѹ�վ�ѡ�ҹ 950 �� �����ҹ�Ң� 108 ��� ���㹻������е�ҧ�����
2. ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ �繼���Ե ����� ���͡ ��Ш�˹���㹻���� ��Ե�ѳ����͹ ����ͧ�͹-��Ң�˹� ��Ե�ѳ������Ѻ��ͧ�͹-��ͧ��� ���� ����Թ��ҷ������Ǣ�ͧ ������Ҽ�Ե�ѳ�����ժ������§ ���� ���͹ ����� (Sealy) �����૿����� (BackSaver) ������Ѻ�Ԣ�Է���ҡ���Ѱ����ԡ� ����ͧ�͹-��Ң�˹� ᫹��� �����硫� ʵ��ǹ�� �����ʻ�� ��������礪�� ����֧��Ҿ����ҡ��кǹ��ü�Ե���ѹ���� ����ѷ� �ա����ԭ�Ժ����ҧ��蹤� �վ�ѡ�ҹ����ҳ 1100 �� ����繼���㹵�Ҵ����ժ������§��ҹ����͡Ẻ ��Фس�Ҿ��Ե�ѳ�� (������ҵðҹ�س�Ҿ ISO 9001:2000) ����ѷ� ��ͧ��ǹ�觵�Ҵ�٧�ش���µ�ʹ ʹ�.����ç�ҹ���������.�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19 (�Ѵ�ҡ�.�����������������õ� ����ҳ 2 ��.)
3. ����ѷ� ��� ��� �Թ������ �ӡѴ �繼��������Ш�˹���������������������ҡ Ethan Allen ������Ѱ����ԡ� (www.ethanallen.com) �Դ���Թ��õ����� 2548 ���� ʹ�.�����������Ҵ 2,000 ���. ��������������ҧ����آ���Է 15-17

*����ö����������´����������� www.jaspalgroup.com , www.jaspal.com , www.jaspalhome.com

*-*��ǹ !! ����Ѻ���˹觾�ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ

������� �Ţ��� 1054 �.�آ���Է 66/1 �ǧ�ҧ�ҡ ࢵ���⢹� ��ا෾��ҹ�� 10260

�� 02-367-2000 ��� 2202, 2203 02-312-6800 ��� 602, 604

3. ��ѡ�ҹ���-���͹(TEMPUR) ��Ш��Ң�Chic-�繷��� �ҢҾѷ��, ���� ,West Gate, East Ville, Mall�ҧ�л�,�úԹ�ѹ ������9, SB�ҧ��-CDC, HP���١��
���˹觾�ѡ�ҹ��� -- ������������µ����͹ ����ӡ��� 15,000 �ҷ
���Թ��͹��Ш� (��鹵��11,000

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  • ��Ѥçҹ
  • ��������´
  • �级ҹ
  • ���ͺ���ѷ��ʻ�� (Jaspal Group of Companies)
    �ѧ��Ѵ ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �ѹ��� 28 �.�. 2558

    บริษัท ยั ส ปาล จำกัด สมัคร งาน

    ���ͺ���ѷ��ʻ�� (Jaspal Group of Companies)

    บริษัท ยั ส ปาล จำกัด สมัคร งาน
    ����ѷ : ���ͺ���ѷ��ʻ�� (Jaspal Group of Companies)
    ��������´����ѷ : 1. ����ѷ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �繼���㹸�áԨῪ������ͧ�觡�� �ù�� Jaspal, CPS:CHAPS, CPS:MEN, CPS 4/12, Lyn, CC-OO, Footwork Noir ����繼�������ͧ���Ὺ�蹤س�Ҿ�������ҡ��ҧ����� ��觨�˹������ҹ Footwork �����駹�����ͧ��� Rider,Sonora,Melissa ��� ��觨�˹������ҧ��þ�Թ��Ҫ�鹹� ����ѷ���������.�آ���Է 66/1 �Ѩ�غѹ�վ�ѡ�ҹ 950 �� �����ҹ�Ң� 108 ��� ���㹻������е�ҧ�����
    2. ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ �繼���Ե ����� ���͡ ��Ш�˹���㹻���� ��Ե�ѳ����͹ ����ͧ�͹-��Ң�˹� ��Ե�ѳ������Ѻ��ͧ�͹-��ͧ��� ���� ����Թ��ҷ������Ǣ�ͧ ������Ҽ�Ե�ѳ�����ժ������§ ���� ���͹ ����� (Sealy) �����૿����� (BackSaver) ������Ѻ�Ԣ�Է���ҡ���Ѱ����ԡ� ����ͧ�͹-��Ң�˹� ᫹��� �����硫� ʵ��ǹ�� �����ʻ�� ��������礪�� ����֧��Ҿ����ҡ��кǹ��ü�Ե���ѹ���� ����ѷ� �ա����ԭ�Ժ����ҧ��蹤� �վ�ѡ�ҹ����ҳ 1100 �� ����繼���㹵�Ҵ����ժ������§��ҹ����͡Ẻ ��Фس�Ҿ��Ե�ѳ�� (������ҵðҹ�س�Ҿ ISO 9001:2000) ����ѷ� ��ͧ��ǹ�觵�Ҵ�٧�ش���µ�ʹ ʹ�.����ç�ҹ���������.�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19 (�Ѵ�ҡ�.�����������������õ� ����ҳ 2 ��.)
    3. ����ѷ� ��� ��� �Թ������ �ӡѴ �繼��������Ш�˹���������������������ҡ Ethan Allen ������Ѱ����ԡ� (www.ethanallen.com) �Դ���Թ��õ����� 2548 ���� ʹ�.�����������Ҵ 2,000 ���. ��������������ҧ����آ���Է 15-17

    *����ö����������´����������� www.jaspalgroup.com , www.jaspal.com , www.jaspalhome.com

    *-*��ǹ !! ����Ѻ���˹觾�ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ

    ���ʴԡ�� : �͡�ҡ��Ҩ�ҧ-�Թ��͹ ���⺹�ʻ�Шӻ� ����ѷ� �ѧ���Թ���� �����������˹觧ҹ ���͵���ѡɳЧҹᵡ��ҧ�ѹ� �� �����ʪ�蹢ͧ��ѡ�ҹ��¢�� �Թ�ҧ��Ũ٧㨵���ŧҹ (Incentive) �դ�ҡ�������¢�ѹ�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ����ç�ҹ �����������§��������ҧ� ��ѡ�ҹ��� ��ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ��о�ѡ�ҹ���§ҹ��Ժѵԡ�� �����Ѻ����ͧẺ����
    ��ѡ�ҹ�ء�������Ѻ��û�Сѹ�ѧ�� ��ѡ�ҹ��� ��ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ ��о�ѡ�ҹ�дѺ���˹��˹��¢��仨��ջ�Сѹ���Ե-��Сѹ�غѵ��˵�-�ؾ���Ҿ ��ѡ�ҹ�ء�����Է�ԡ���ҷ��ի�觤�ͺ�����������繷ء����ͧ �ջ�Сѹ�آ�Ҿ(��鹡Ѻ���اҹ) �Թ���ء�Թ �Թ��������͡ó��ó���� �ͧ�������ó��纻��� �ͧ��ѭ�觧ҹ��Ф�ʹ�ص� �.��ʻ�� �ӡѴ ��ö�Ѻ- �觾�ѡ�ҹ���§ҹ��Ժѵԡ�� ��к.��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ (�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19) ����ö�Ѻ-�觾�ѡ�ҹ 5 ��鹷ҧ ����Ѻ�����ӧҹ���ʹ�.-�ç�ҹ �ء����ѷ����Ҿ�Ǵ������÷ӧҹ���� ��Ф�����ʹ���㹡�÷ӧҹ
    �Ըա����Ѥ� : �Ѻ��Ѥ÷ء�ѹ�ѹ���-�ء�� (08:00-15:00 �.)

    �觨�������Ѥçҹ Ṻ��ѡ�ҹ��ҧ� �к��Թ��͹�Ѩ�غѹ ��з��Ҵ��ѧ �������Ѿ�� ��� E-mail address ������ٻ���� 2 � (���觵����������� - �ôṺ file �ٻ�ҡ���ͧ�ԨԵ�� ���͡��ͧ��.��Ͷ��) 价�� ����ӹ�¡����ǹ�����÷�Ѿ�ҡúؤ�� ���ͺ���ѷ��ʻ�� ��� Email Address ���� ��������ҹ��ҧ���

    ���˹觢ͧ�.��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �Դ���T.02-367-2000 ��� 2202, 2203
    ���˹觧ҹ�ͧ �.��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ (�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19) T. 02-312-6800 ��� 602, 604

    ���ͺ���ѷ��ʻ�� (Jaspal Group of Companies)
    1054 �.�آ���Է 66/1 �ǧ�ҧ�ҡ ࢵ���⢹�
    ��ا෾��ҹ�� 10260
    �� : �.��ʻ�� �ӡѴ 02-367-2000 �Դ��� �س�ѡ� ��� 2202, 2203 e-mail: / �.��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ(�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19) ��. 02-312-6800 ��� 602, 604

    �Դ��� : ���·�Ѿ�ҡúؤ��
    �� : 02-367-2000 ��� 2202, 2203 02-312-6800 ��� 602, 604
    ������� : �Ţ��� 1054 �.�آ���Է 66/1 �ǧ�ҧ�ҡ ࢵ���⢹� ��ا෾��ҹ�� 10260
    ���䫵� : www.jaspalgroup.com, www.jaspal.com, www.jaspalhome.com

    ���˹�ҷ���õ�Ҵ (Marketing Officer)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ���õ�Ҵ (Marketing Officer)
    ��������´�ҹ : - �Ǻ���������㹵�Ҵ ��ʶԵ� �������� �Ǻ�����§ҹ��â��
    - ���¨Ѵ��/����� �ç������������õ�Ҵ �ɳ���л�Ъ�����ѹ��
    - �Ѵ����ػ��§ҹ��õ�Ҵ / ��â�� �����§ҹ���� ���������ͺ����
    - �դ�������ö㹡���������ѧ����� �оԨ�ó��繾����
    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �����ŧ �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��� Sukhumvit 66/1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai nationality, Female, age 24-32, height 150 up
    2. University graduate or MBA, with major in Marketing or and related field
    3. Min. 2 yrs of marketing experience with good presentation and communication skills
    4. Marketing type, initiative, dynamic and highly committed
    5. Mature personality, well organized and hard working style
    6. Good at problem solving, hand-on and quick to respond
    7. Strong coordinating and following up skills, able to work outside when needs
    8. Strong computer skill and good command of English
    9. Contact : �س���������� �������� Tel : 02-312-6800 ��� 5002

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ��á�ä�ѧ�Թ���
    ��������´�ҹ : ��Ժѵԧҹ��ҹ�͡�����С�û���ҹ�ҹ㹽��¤�ѧ�Թ�����ШѴ�� (�ӧҹ�ѹ�ѹ���-����� ���� 8:00-17:00 �.)
    �ѵ�� : 5 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �ѵ���Թ��͹����Ѻ������زԻ.��� 15,000 �ҷ���� ��鹡Ѻ���ʺ��ó��÷ӧҹ �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �.�آ���Է 66/1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 22-30 �� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ���ͧ���� ��ЩѺ���੧
    2. �ز� ���.- �.��� �ѭ�� �����ø�áԨ ���������� ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. ���ʺ��ó� 1 �բ��� 㹧ҹ�͡�����к���ѧ�Թ���-�Ѵ�� ����ز� ���. ��ͧ�ջ��ʺ��ó�ç 2 �բ���
    4. �դ����������ǡѺ�к��ҹ㹤�ѧ�Թ��� �շѡ�д�ҹ��äӹdz ������������������ͧ
    5. ��Ҽ�ҹ�ҹ��ѧ�Թ��� �Ѵ���Թ��� ���ͺѭ�� 㹸�áԨ����ͼ�����������§���繻���ª��
    6. ���ز�����������������ѹ��� �դ�������ö㹡�û���ҹ�ҹ
    7. Contact : �س�ѡ� �ѹ����ʧ Tel : 02-367-2000 ��� 2203, 2426

    ��ѡ�ҹᾷ���� - ������ᾷ���� - ��ѡ�ҹ�ô��� - ��ѡ�ҹ��级ҹ������ҧ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹᾷ���� - ������ᾷ���� - ��ѡ�ҹ�ô��� - ��ѡ�ҹ��级ҹ������ҧ
    ��������´�ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹᾷ���� (�Թ��͹ 16,000-30,000 �ҷ ��鹡Ѻ�����-��������ö-���ʺ��ó�)
    ���/˭ԧ ���� 21-45 ��
    �ز� �.6-�.��� ��м�ҹ���ͺ����ѡ�ٵá�����ҧᾷ���침ҡʶҺѹ����
    �ջ��ʺ��ó� 3 �բ��� ����ö���ҧᾷ��������ͼ�ҺٵԤ��ءẺ �������͖�ҧࡧ�����ç ���Ҩ�ӹҭ੾�д�ҹ ���ͪӹҭ੾������ͼ�Ҫ������˭ԧ ������ 4-12 ��)
    ��µҴ� ���ʹ�� ���ͧ����㹡�÷ӧҹ �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹡�÷ӧҹ㹺���ѷ/�ç�ҹ��Ե����ͼ��
    ����Ὺ�� ��ж��·ʹŧ�ᾷ������
    ��������������㹧ҹ����繻���ª�� ��������
    ** (�����������Ѻ��÷��ͺ�������Ф�����Ѵ��ѧ��������ɳ�)**
    ������ᾷ���� (�زԻ��.�Թ��͹ 12,500 �ҷ ���� + �.��� �Թ��͹ 14,000 �ҷ ����)
    ���/˭ԧ ���� 18-35 �� �ز� �.6-�.6/�Ǫ.-���. ��µҴ� ���ʹ��
    �ջ��ʺ��ó������¡��� 1 �� 㹧ҹ��Ǩ�ͺ��Ъ��·�ᾷ��������ͼ�ҵ���Ƿҧ����ҧ���ҧᾷ�����觧ҹ����� ����ö��ҹẺ����������ͼ�����駵�����͸Ժ���Ըա�������龹ѡ�ҹ�����
    ������������������繻���ª�� ��������
    ��ѡ�ҹ�ô��� (�زԻ��.�Թ��͹ 12,500 �ҷ ���� + �.��� �Թ��͹ 14,000 �ҷ ����)
    ���/˭ԧ ���� 20-30 �� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ���ͧ���� ���������ѹ���
    �ز� �.6-�.6/�Ǫ.-���. ��µҴ� ���ʹ��
    �ջ��ʺ��ó� 1 �բ���㹧ҹ�ô����������ͧ������������������� (TORAY), �Ť���� (LECTRA) ������������ (GERBER) ����դ����������ǡѺ��÷�ᾷ���침оԨ�ó��繾����
    ��ѡ�ҹ��纵�����ҧ (�Թ��͹ 11,000 �ҷ ����) �ѧ�Ѵ����ᾷ������м�Ե������ҧ
    ˭ԧ ���� 20-45 �� ���ͪ�� ���� 21-45 �� (�鹡��ࡳ���������)
    �ز� �.6-�./�Ǫ. ��µҴ�������ʹ�� ��级ҹ����ͼ�ҷ�駵��������дѺ�������Ƿ��� ��н���ͻ�гյ ��§��
    ���ʺ��ó� 1-2 �� 㹧ҹ�������ͼ��������ٻ����ѡ���������駷���繨ѡ��ص��ˡ�������ͧ
    �ѵ�� : �����ѵ�� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ��ѡ�ҹᾷ���� �Թ��͹ 16,000-30,000 �ҷ ��鹡Ѻ�����-���ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �.�آ���Է 66/1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��ѡ�ҹᾷ���� (�Թ��͹ 16,000-30,000 �ҷ ��鹡Ѻ�����-��������ö-���ʺ��ó�)
    2. ���/˭ԧ ���� 21-45 ��
    3. �ز� �.6-�.��� ��м�ҹ���ͺ����ѡ�ٵá�����ҧᾷ���침ҡʶҺѹ����
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó� 3 �բ��� ����ö���ҧᾷ��������ͼ�ҺٵԤ��ءẺ �������͖�ҧࡧ�����ç ���Ҩ�ӹҭ੾�д�ҹ ���ͪӹҭ੾������ͼ�Ҫ������˭ԧ ������ 4-12 ��)
    5. ��µҴ� ���ʹ�� ���ͧ����㹡�÷ӧҹ �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹡�÷ӧҹ㹺���ѷ/�ç�ҹ��Ե����ͼ��
    6. ����Ὺ�� ��ж��·ʹŧ�ᾷ������
    7. ��������������㹧ҹ����繻���ª�� ��������
    8. ** (�����������Ѻ��÷��ͺ�������Ф�����Ѵ��ѧ��������ɳ�)**
    9. ������ᾷ���� (�زԻ��.�Թ��͹ 12,500 �ҷ ���� + �.��� �Թ��͹ 14,000 �ҷ ����)

    ���˹�ҷ�����������â�� (Sales Analysis Officer)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ�����������â�� (Sales Analysis Officer)
    ��������´�ҹ : - �֧�����Ũҡ�к����ʹ�� �Ǻ��������š�â�¨ҡ�ء�Ң������ҷӡ�����������ʹ��·�������͹ �������� �����»� ����֧��û���ҳ����ʹ��� (sales forecasting) ���͹��ҷӡ���������������˵� ��лѨ��·���ռŵ�͡�â��
    - �Ѵ����§ҹ�ԧ���������ʴ��ż�ҹἹ���� (��ҿ��ٻẺ��ҧ� �����������Ѻ������) ���������������
    - �Ѵ����������š�â�� ���͹��ʹ͵�ͷء���·������Ǣ�ͧ ����§ҹ���͡�õѴ�Թ� ����繢��������͡�û�Ъ��
    - ����ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ���µ�ҧ� �������Ǣ�ͧ ���͡���Ǻ��������� ���͹��ʹ͢��������͡�ù����㹧ҹ
    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Bangchak, Phra Khanong, Bangkok
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 25-32 ��
    2. �زԻ�ԭ�ҵ�� �ҢҺ����ø�áԨ, ���ɰ��ʵ��, �ѭ��, ʶԵԻ���ء��, ���������áԨ (Business Data Analysis) �����Ңҷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �ջ��ʺ��ó��÷ӧҹ��੾��㹽��¡�õ�Ҵ���ͽ��¢�� 2-3 ��
    4. ������������������鹾�鹰ҹ��� ��੾�� excel ����٧(���ٵ÷��Ѻ��͹㹡�äӹdz��)
    5. �շѡ�з���㹡��������� ��ШѴ����§ҹ�ԧ��������
    6. �ҡ������������ѧ������ �оԨ�ó��繾����

    Shop Manager-Bedding(TEMPUR)

    ���˹觧ҹ : Shop Manager-Bedding(TEMPUR)
    ��������´�ҹ : Job description :

    The candidate will be responsible for managing the P&L and driving sales for the store through efficient store operations, excellent customer service delivery, motivation and retention of store personnel and adherence to company norms.

    - Handling the Operations of the Store
    - Preparing & Achieving Sales Targets & Monitor & Track Sales Performance
    - Ensuring customer needs are met and complaints/queries are resolved in a timely manner
    - Manpower & Resource Planning, Identifying avenues for Branding, etc.
    - Training the Retail Staff to be excellent in customer service and have good knowledge of product sold in the shop
    - Coordinating with customer service and warehouse team for stock updates, order follow, smooth delivery etc.
    - Ensuring store expectations and priorities are communicated to the staff
    - Reviewing and providing regular feedback on staff�s performance against expectations
    - Actively seeking ways to achieve or exceed shop sales targets
    - Observing, collecting and analyzing data and information obtained from customers in order to plan for customer relationship management
    - Monitoring all point of sales activities in the store including sales transactions, tracking payments, maintaining inventory updates, handling returns and refunds, gathering consumer data for feedback E-mail:

    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Siam Paragon, Chic-Bangna
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : �����ѹ
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Male / Female with good personality and strong service skills
    2. Bachalor Degree
    3. Good command of English
    4. At least 3 years experience as a Store Manager (Bedding & Furniture)
    5. Excellent Communication and Selling Skills
    6. Good Skill of teaching and Control&Take care-PC
    7. Contact : Khun Pimpaphatsorn Prongrasamee Tel : 02-312-6800 Ext.5002

    Sr.Training Officer / Training Supervisor / Training Specialist (���˹�ҷ��֡ͺ��) - ��Ш��ӹѡ�ҹ �آ���Է66/1 ��� �ҧ�� ��.19 Urgently Required

    ���˹觧ҹ : Sr.Training Officer / Training Supervisor / Training Specialist (���˹�ҷ��֡ͺ��) - ��Ш��ӹѡ�ҹ �آ���Է66/1 ��� �ҧ�� ��.19 Urgently Required
    ��������´�ҹ : Responsibilities :-

    The incumbent must be able to analyze corporate strategic needs, core & functional competencies and training needs that support business strategies, and possesses the competent to plan, develop and implement training programs, orientation, training manuals and all personnel development activities that leads to the accomplishment of business goals.

    Location: Head Office1: 1054 Soi Sukumvit 66/1, Bangchak, Prakanong, BKK 10260 ....Head Office2: 49 Moo.9 Soi Ruamjai, Bangna-Trad Km.19, Bangchalong, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540.
    If this sounds like you and you wish to build a successful career in fashion business then apply today by sending your application letter with complete resume detailing experience, qualifications, present and expected salary, contact phone number and E-mail address attached with relevant documents and two recent photos (a full body and a half body photo) to :

    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : Based on qualifications and experience �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��Шӷ���آ���Է 66/1 ��кҧ��-��Ҵ (��.19) ��طû�ҡ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, age 23-35 yrs. with good personality
    2. Hold at least BA. majoring in Political Science, Business Admin. or English or MA./MBA in HRM, HRD or related field
    3. 3-5 years direct experience in Training Management with trading and/or manufacturing firm, candidate from high reputable Training Institute is also welcomed.
    4. Good knowledge of competency based training, skills development training and individual development program
    5. Strong skills in developing training road map, training programs and training plans that serves company�s requirements
    6. Strong leadership, high maturity, excellent service minded and interpersonal skills
    7. Initiative, well-organized, and dedicated with the ability to meet target
    8. Strong in communication and presentation skills. Ability to be an internal instructor and course facilitator is a must
    9. Good command of English, strong analytical skills and computer literate
    10. RE : Candidate with less experience will be considered for the post of Training Officer.

    ���˹�ҷ���͡Ẻ��ҿ�ԡ (Graphic Designer) �ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ���͡Ẻ��ҿ�ԡ (Graphic Designer) �ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �����ŧ �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Bang Chalong, Bang Phli, Samut Prakan
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ�� - ˭ԧ ���� 25-35 �� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��
    2. �ز� �.��� -� �Ңҡ�ҿ�Ԥ��䫹� ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �ջ��ʺ��ó�ç㹧ҹ��ҿ�Ԥ��䫹� ����ö�͡Ẻ������觾���� �ɳ� �ҹ�굵���͡ �ê���� ��è��ѳ�� ���� ẹ���� tag ��Чҹ������ҹ ��Чҹ�������Ǣ�ͧ�����ҧ��������
    4. ����͡Ẻ website �� ���繻���ª���ҡ
    5. �ӧҹ�� Macintosh ���������� Illustrator, Photoshop, Page Layout, Flash Animation, In-design, 3D Max, Dreamweaver �������ҧ��
    6. �դ����Դ���ҧ��ä���������� �ʹ����� ����ö��Ѻ����͡Ẻ仵���������¹�ŧ�ͧ෤����� �ù�� ���Ὺ����
    7. �դ����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ�٧ �繹ѡ��ԡ�� ��зӧҹ�繷�����
    8. �ҧἹ �ӧ�����ҳ �Ѵ�к��ҹ ��еԴ����ҹ��� ����ö�ӧҹ���Ǵ���� ������稵����˹�
    9. �繼�������Թ�� ���ز����� ����ç�٧�㹵��ͧ�٧ �դ�������ö㹡��������� ������������ѹ���
    10. �����˵�: ���ʹ��ô�觻���ѵ���ǹ��Ǿ�����ٻ���� 2 � (��������Ф��觵��) ��� Portfolio (���� Zip File ���¡�� File ���� ����� Background �բ��)

    ���˹觧ҹ : �ѡ��¹����� / Programmer
    ��������´�ҹ : The incumbent will report to System Analysis Section Manager and SR. IT Department Manager consecutively, the candidate is required to :
    1) Develop, maintain and support all programming assignments on the Oracle platform.
    2) Track and maintain the software project plan and schedule.
    3) Manage the day to day development activities,(including design, code, test and support functions) on a regular basis.
    4) Educate and help users in solving problems to ensure effective operations through the set systems.
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : N/A �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��Ժѵԧҹ��� �ӹѡ�ҹ�˭� �.�آ���Է 66/1 �ǧ�ҧ�ҡ ࢵ���⢹�
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, age 23-30 yrs. with mature personality.
    2. B.A. in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related field.
    3. Min. 1-5 yrs. experience working with Delphi, Oracle Developer, Form and Report, PL/SQL Programming with expertise in Web Development
    4. Familiar with PHP and other programming languages, in depth knowledge in Java is a plus.
    5. Knowledge of Web Servers and Database (Oracle, MySQL)
    6. Experience in manufacturing system, retail system, finance and account system and MRP II is preferred
    7. Highly motivated, energetic, dedicated and service oriented
    8. Quick to respond with strong analytical and problem solving skills

    ���˹�ҧҹ�ؤ����и�á�� (HR & Admin Supervisor) - ��Ш��ӹѡ�ҹ�آ���Է 66/1 ��кҧ�� ��.19

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҧҹ�ؤ����и�á�� (HR & Admin Supervisor) - ��Ш��ӹѡ�ҹ�آ���Է 66/1 ��кҧ�� ��.19
    ��������´�ҹ : �����çҹ��ҹ�ҹ�ç�ҹ����ѹ�� �ҹ��á�� ���ʴԡ�� ��ԡ�þ�ѡ�ҹ �ӹ�¤����дǡ��ѡ�ҹ��-��ҧ�ҵ� �Ԩ������ѡ�ҹ����ѹ�� �������ӹѡ�ҹ ����ҹ�ҹ�Ҫ��� ���ا�ѡ���Ҥ��-��ҹ�Ң� ������ʹ��¢ͧ��ѡ�ҹ���ʶҹ��� (Security Management) ��Чҹ�������Ǣ�ͧ
    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����ç���ҧ���ͻ��ʺ��ó�ӧҹ �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��Шӷ���آ���Է 66/1 ��кҧ��-��Ҵ (��.19) ��طû�ҡ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ�� / ˭ԧ ���� 30-37 �� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��
    2. �ز� �.���- � �����ø�áԨ �Ѱ��ʵ�� ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ ���դ�������ҹ�к��ҹ�ؤ�����/���ͧҹ��á�ôռ�ҹ�ҹ���§ҹ�����çҹ�ؤ�����/���ͧҹ��á���� 5 �� ����
    3. ������зӧҹ��ҹ�ç�ҹ����ѹ�� ��á�� �������ӹѡ�ҹ ��ԡ�þ�ѡ�ҹ (Employee Services/ Welfare Services) ����ҹ�ҹ����Ѻ���ҡ�����ҧ/�Դ��� ��ѡ�ҹ����ѹ�� ����ҹ�ҹ�Ҫ��� �Ǻ����ҹ���ا�ѡ���Ҥ��-��ҹ�Ң� ���ŧҹ������ʹ��� (Security Management) ��Чҹ�������Ǣ�ͧ
    4. �դ�������ö㹡����ҧ˹ѧ���-�Ѵ���ç��â�͹��ѵ� ����º/��º�� ��л�Ժѵԧҹ��ҹ�͡������ ����ö���������л���ҹ�ҹ�����ҧ�ջ���Է�Լ�
    5. �����м��� ����ز����д� ����㹵��ͧ �ӧҹ���� ����դ����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ㹷ӧҹ������稷ѹ��˹�����
    6. ����ö���������������ͧ��੾�� MS word , MS Excel ,Power Point, Email ��� internet
    7. ������з�������ҹ�����������µ����˹����� �������ö�һ�Ժѵԧҹ��ѹ��ش���դ�������

    ��ѡ�ҹ�ѭ�յ鹷ع��е�Ǩ�ͺ�Ң� (Cost Accounting & Retail Stock Audit Staff) ��Ш��آ���Է 66/1 ��� �ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ�ѭ�յ鹷ع��е�Ǩ�ͺ�Ң� (Cost Accounting & Retail Stock Audit Staff) ��Ш��آ���Է 66/1 ��� �ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19
    ��������´�ҹ : - �Ӻѭ�յ鹷ع㹡�â���Թ�����ШѴ����§ҹ��â�¢ͧ��ҹ���
    - ��Ǩ�Ѻ�Թ��Ҥ��������ШѴ����§ҹ�ѭ���Թ��һ�Ш���͹ ����Ѻ��ѧ�Թ���������ҹ�Ң� ��ʹ���ѭ�դ�ѧ�Թ��� ������� �������Ǣ�ͧ
    �ѵ�� : 4 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �آ���Է 66/1 ��� �ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 23-30 �բ��� �ز� �.��� �ҢҺѭ�� / ����Թ
    2. ���ʺ��ó� 3 �բ���㹧ҹ��ҹ�ѭ�յ鹷ع �ѭ��ʵ�͡�Թ��� ���ͧҹ��������§
    3. ��Ҽ�ҹ�ҹ�ҡͧ��ø�áԨ (Trading Firm) �����ç�ҹ�ص��ˡ��������Ѻ��þԨ�ó��繾����
    4. ���ز����� ��кؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ���ͧ���� ����Ǿ�Ժ �����´ �ͺ�ͺ ������������ѹ���
    5. ����ö����������������ҧ���ͧ���� ������ MS Office (Word ,EXCEL )
    6. ����ö��Ժѵԧҹ�͡ʶҹ�����е�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ��
    7. Contact : �سǹԴ� (), �س���������� �������� () Tel : �آ���Է66/1...�سǹԴ� 02-367-2000 ��� 2426, �ҧ�ҡ�.19...�س���������� �������� 02-312-6800 ��� 5004

    ��ǹ! �Ң��繷��ž�ҫ�� �.���ͧ �Ѻ��Ѥþ�ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ�Ң� (��Ш���ҹ����� JASPAL GROUP)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ǹ! �Ң��繷��ž�ҫ�� �.���ͧ �Ѻ��Ѥþ�ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ�Ң� (��Ш���ҹ����� JASPAL GROUP)
    ��������´�ҹ : �����Ѥ�����ö�Դ�����Ѥçҹ���� ��ҹ JASPAL �Ң������ͧ���ͧ
    �����ͺ�������������� 02-367-2000 ��� 2426 , 2203
    ��������´�ѵ�Ҩ�ҧ���˹觧ҹ �ѧ���
    �ѵ���Թ��͹ 16,500 �ҷ++ ����Ѻ���Ѵ�����ҹ
    �ѵ���Թ��͹ 13,000 �ҷ++ ����Ѻ�ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ

    �ѵ���Թ��͹ 11,000 �ҷ ++

    ���˹觹������Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӷ��� +����Ԫ��� ��Ф����ǧ����-��ҷӧҹ��ѹ��ش �Թ�ҧ��ź����������¡�â�� �ա�û�Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӻ� �����ʴԡ�÷��� ���� ⺹�� ��Сѹ�آ�Ҿ ��Сѹ���Ե ��� ������͡�ʡ���˹�����§ҹ��������ҹ�Ң� (Retail Management) �����������ö�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ

    �����˵� �»��Ժ���ѷ����ա���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ�͡ʶҹ��� (�ҡ�ա�èѴ�ҹ�Ѻ��Ѥ÷��� ��л�С�ȼ�ҹ website ����Һ�繤��������к��ѹ-����-ʶҹ��� �ѧ����ɳҹ��) ���㹡���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ������ա�����¡�纤�Һ�ԡ���� ������ �ҡ����繺ؤ����¹͡��й�����繵��᷹�����繾�ѡ�ҹ�ͧ����ѷ� ���Ѻ��Ѥ� ������¡���Թ�����Ѥ� �������ͧẺ �Թ��ӻ�Сѹ ���ͤ��������� �ô�����ٻ�ؤ�Ŵѧ����� ����駺���ѷ� (��. 02-367-2000 ���� ) �����ҡ�˵ء�ó��Դ�����ҧ� ��س���������˹�ҷ��ͧ��ҧ� �����ٹ���ä���·ѹ�� ���ʹ��Թ����ͺ�ǹ��ШѴ��õ��������

    �ѵ�� : �ӹǹ�ҡ ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������鹵��15,000 -25,000�ҷ���� (�Թ��͹ + Commission+Incentive ������������ + OT) �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Phe, Mueang Rayong, Rayong
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ���ͧ
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���Ѵ�����ҹ ��˭ԧ ��������Թ 32 ��
    2. �ͧ���.��ҹ ��˭ԧ ���ͪ�� ���� ����Թ 28 ��
    3. ˭ԧ ��ǹ�٧ 157 ��.���� ��� ��� �٧ 170 ��.����
    4. �ز� �.6 - ��ԭ�ҵ�� ���ӡѴ�Ң� ���ز����� - �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ����СѺ�Թ���Ὺ�� - ���������ѹ���
    5. ����ö�ӧҹ������� �Դ-�Դ �ͧ��ҧ��þ�Թ����� ����ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ
    6. �դ��������Ըջ�Ժѵԧҹ�ͧ��ҹ��һ�ա �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ���-��ԡ����Чҹ��������ҹ��˹�������ͧ�觡�������Թ��һ����������§�������¡��� 2 �� �ջ���ѵԡ�÷ӧҹ���� ��駼ŧҹ ��Ф��������ѵ���ب�Ե
    7. ��ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ���� 18 - 25 �� �.�٧ 158 ��. ���� ��� 170 ��.����
    8. �ز� �.6-�Ǫ.-���.- ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ء�Ң�
    9. �պؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��С��������ҷ�� ���ͧ���Ǿٴ�ҩЩҹ �դ�������ö㹡�����������й��ʹ͢�� ����ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ����Һ�ҧ
    10. �պؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��С��������ҷ�� ���ͧ���Ǿٴ�ҩЩҹ �դ�������ö㹡�����������й��ʹ͢�� ����ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ����Һ�ҧ

    ���˹�ҧҹ��ѧ�Թ��� / ���˹�ҧҹ�Ѵ�� (Warehouse Supervisor / Delivery)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҧҹ��ѧ�Թ��� / ���˹�ҧҹ�Ѵ�� (Warehouse Supervisor / Delivery)
    ��������´�ҹ : ����ѷ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ ����㹸�áԨῪ�� ����繼���Ե ����� ��Ш�˹�������ͼ������ͧ�觡�� ����ͧ˹ѧ �ش���� ����ͧ���ҧ ����ͧ��дѺ ����Թ��ҷ������Ǣ�ͧ ������Ҽ�Ե�ѳ�����ժ������§ ���� JASPAL, CPS:CHAPS, CPS 4/12, CC-OO, LYN, LYN AROUND ����繼����������ͼ���������ͧ˹ѧ - �ͧ��Ҥس�Ҿ�������ҡ��ҧ����� ���� Rider, Gola, Melissa, United Nude, Bikkembergs, 7 for All Mankind ��觨�˹������ҹ FOOTWORK, FOOTWORK NOIR, FRED PERRY, JELLY DREAM ��Ф����������ҧ��þ�Թ��Ҫ�鹹� ����ѷ������������آ���Է 66/1 �Ѩ�غѹ�վ�ѡ�ҹ 2,000 �� �����ҹ�Ң�/��������� 350 ���

    ��Ѥô�ǹ��� ʹ�.�˭�
    �͡��÷���� : ���Һѵû�ЪҪ�, ���ҷ���¹��ҹ, ��ѡ�ҹ����֡��
    �����Ѻ�ͧ��ü�ҹ�ҹ (����Ѻ����ջ��ʺ��ó�) �����Ѻ�ͧ�Թ��͹ (��������Ի�Թ��͹�ҡ���ӧҹ�������) �ٻ���� 2 � ���觵����������� ���Ѵਹ ��������ǡ ��������� (���ٻ����繸����ҵ�)

    �ѵ�� : �����ѵ�� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����ç���ҧ+���ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �.�آ���Է 66/1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ��������Թ 27- 35 �� �آ�Ҿ�� �ز� �.��� �ҢҺ����ø�áԨ �Ũ�ʵԡ�������Ң�����
    2. ��ҹ�ҹ��ҹ�����ä�ѧ�Թ������ͨѴ�� 5 �� ����
    3. (��Ҽ�ҹ�ҹ�ҡ����ѷ����Ե-��˹�������ͼ�� ��������ͧ˹ѧ�����Թ������Ǵ��觷� /����ͧ���ҧ �����Թ��ҷ���˹������ҧ� ���ͧҹ�Ѵ������ҢҨ��繻���ª��)
    4. (��Ҽ�ҹ�ҹ�ҡ����ѷ����Ե-��˹�������ͼ�� ��������ͧ˹ѧ�����Թ������Ǵ��觷� /����ͧ���ҧ �����Թ��ҷ���˹������ҧ� ���ͧҹ�Ѵ������ҢҨ��繻���ª��)
    5. �ջ��ʺ��ó��û���ͧ����ҹ �դ�������ö㹡���͹�ҹ �ͺ���� ��Ш�§ҹ �����ѭ��੾��˹�����
    6. ���������ѹ��� �շѡ�з��մ�ҹ���������� �����§ҹ �������ö�ӧҹ�����������ѹ���
    7. ���������������ͧ
    8. Contact : �س�ѡ� �ѹ����ʧ Tel : 02-367-2000 ��� 2203, 2426

    Assistant Manufacturing Director - Jaspal & Sons Co., Ltd.

    ���˹觧ҹ : Assistant Manufacturing Director - Jaspal & Sons Co., Ltd.
    ��������´�ҹ : JASPAL & SONS Co.,LTD.
    Responsibilities :-
    � Responsible for the overall production activities which include: Product Development, Raw Material Planning & Procurement, Engineering, M/C & Facility Maintenance, Production Planning & Control, Quality Assurance, Warehousing and Delivery.
    � Assist the Manufacturing Director in leading 7department managers under Manufacturing Division for the best manufacturing performance
    � Ensure continuous performance improvement by involving all players and using all suitable productivity tools and new technologies
    � Work with all concerned parties both within and cross divisions to develop manufacturing plan and strategies that effectively respond to the needs of the market, meet the satisfied cost structure and strengthen our brand competitiveness
    � Manage to ensure smooth operations, safety environment, good working practice, employee morale and high productivity through our people

    Location of work : 49 Moo 9,Soi Ruamjai, Bangna-Trad Rd.(Km.19), Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 (2 Km. from Hua Chieaw University)

    We offer competitive remuneration corresponding to qualifications. Interested person, please apply by sending your application letter with complete resume detailing experience, qualifications, present & expected salary and contact phone number attached with relevant documents and 2 recent natural photos to :

    Group Human Resource Director
    1054 Sukhumvit 66/1, Bangjak, Prakanong ,Bangkok 10260

    E-mail :
    To know more about us, please visit our websites www.jaspalgroup.com, www.jaspalhome.com

    All resumes will be treated in strict confidence.
    Only candidates who meet the above qualification requirements will be contacted.

    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ �.����� �.�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19 (��������.��������)
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, 38-47 yrs. of age with good personality
    2. A Bachelor or Master degree in Engineering or any industrial field
    3. Over 10 yrs. direct proven experience in plant management, ideally in a home textile or consumer durable industry, 7 yrs of which must be in management level
    4. Solid knowledge in factory management with strong conceptual and management skills
    5. Good business sense with strong analytical and problem solving skills
    6. Strong leadership with sharp presentation and convincing ability
    7. High maturity with good interpersonal skills
    8. Results-oriented, self-driven with high job dedication and commitment
    9. Proficiency in both written and spoken English
    10. Able to travel abroad for business when needed

    ���˹��Ἱ���Ե���͹ - ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹��Ἱ���Ե���͹ - ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ
    ��������´�ҹ : 1.�ѺἹ��ü�Ե�Ѵ������ҹ����ͺ���§ҹ
    3.�Ǻ��������ҹ����ͧ�ѡ��ػ�ó��ҧ� ����ջ���Է���Ҿ�٧�ش
    5.�Ǻ��������ҹ��С�ú��ا�ѡ�� �Ѵ������ͧ�ѡ� ���ǹ�ҹ����Ѻ�Դ�ͺ
    6.�Ǻ������ž�鹷���Ե����������������Ҿ���º���� ���Ҵ �������ҹ
    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �����ŧ���͵�����ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ �.����� �.�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19 (��������.��������)
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ�� ���� 27-40 �բ���
    2. ������֡���дѺ �.��� ���� �Ң�෤�Ԥ��ü�Ե �ص��ˡ�� ����ͧ�� ��ҧ���ç�ҹ ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �դ�����������������ǡѺ����ͧ�ѡ��ػ�ó�㹡�ü�Ե ��Т�鹵͹��ü�Ե�����ҧ��
    4. ��ҹ�ҹ��ҹ��äǺ�����ü�Ե�����������¡��� 5 ��
    5. ���ز����Ф����繼���
    6. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ������������ѹ��� ����ö����ҹ�ҹ��еԴ����ҹ��
    7. �դ�����������ѧ��ɺ�ҧ
    8. Contact : �س���������� �������� Tel : 02-312-6800 ��� 5002

    Recruitment Manager (���Ѵ�������������Ҩ�ҧ�ؤ�ҡ�)

    ���˹觧ҹ : Recruitment Manager (���Ѵ�������������Ҩ�ҧ�ؤ�ҡ�)
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �.�آ���Է 66/1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, age 30-37 years old with pleasant personality.
    2. BA./MA. Degree in Business Administration, HRM, English or related filed.
    3. Min. 5 years direct experience in managing recruitment function in a big organization with manufacturing and retail or trading environment. Familiar with fast moving organizations and modern recruitment techniques.
    4. Min. 5 years direct experience in managing recruitment function in a big organization with manufacturing and retail or trading environment. Familiar with fast moving organizations and modern recruitment techniques.
    5. In-depth knowledge of Labor Law, employment contract writing and standard recruitment practice
    6. Experience in writing Job Description, conducting salary and benefits survey and writing high impact job advertisement.
    7. Proactive with strong commitment to achieve target. Strategic thinking with the ability to lead the recruitment team to fight for success.
    8. Strong command of English both speaking and writing. Good communication and presentation skills.
    9. Down to earth and easy to get along well with people at all levels both Thai and Expats.
    10. Good computerized skills with solid knowledge of all standard software, internet, email and social networks.

    ���˹�ҷ���������䴫�� (Merchandising Officer/Senior Merchandising Officer)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ���������䴫�� (Merchandising Officer/Senior Merchandising Officer)
    ��������´�ҹ : Coordinate with other teams for developing sample.
    Review, plan and issue orders for fabrics and other materials.
    - Arrange detail sheet (photo, size set)
    - Schedule finished good orders for systematic delivery in order to meet product launching plan
    - Follow up delivery schedule with external vendors, resolve delays and other problems.
    - Coordinate all other production related tasks including QC, label, packing, and delivery.
    - Prepare the work for sample development, production costing, and pricing.
    - Calculate and plan of materials requirement.
    - Prepare all requirements for product distribution and cancellations, and other stock movement transaction.

    Remark: Candidate with less experience will be considered for the position of Merchandising Staff

    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �.�آ���Է 66/1 (ö俿�� BTS �ش��آ)
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Preferably Age 24 � 35 years old with min. BA in Textile/Garment or related field
    2. Min.2 yrs. direct experience, with at least 1 yrs. in sourcing and dealing with domestic fashion garment manufacturers
    3. Should have knowledge of garment merchandising, sourcing, quality and product development of woven and knitting product categories for both menswear and womenswear
    4. Solid understanding of fabrics, yarns and pricing
    5. Knowledge of basic printing, embroidery and pattern
    6. Work under pressure and tight schedules with high degree of accuracy
    7. Strong skills in dealing with suppliers with solid knowledge of production process/techniques, raw material selection and usage, material planning, production ordering and costs calculation
    8. Well mature, positive, active, detail-oriented and a team player with good communication and interpersonal skills
    9. Good command of English and excellent in e-mail correspondence, good Mathematical skills and strong Computer knowledge

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ٽ֡��������Ź� (���¼�Ե)
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 5 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �Թ��͹�����������ö��л��ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �آ���Է 66 / 1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���/ ˭ԧ ���� 25-45 �� �ز��.3 ���� �آ�Ҿ ��µҴ� ���ʹ��
    2. �ջ��ʺ��ó�ҹ������� ෤�Ԥ������ 10 �բ���
    3. ����Ǫҭ෤�Ԥ����������ͼ��Ὺ�� �����ѡ� ��ʴ� �ػ�ó�ê�����纵�ҧ� ����������ͼ�����駵��
    4. ����ö��纪�鹧ҹ����á (����� ���) �����繵�����ҧ��С�˹���鹵͹ �Ըա����� �������㹡����红ͧ�Ź��ü�Ե
    5. ���������鹵͹������ ��������Ըա�û�Ѻ��ا��鹵͹/�Ը��������Ŵ���� ���� �������¢����
    6. ����ö�͹�Ըա����纷��١��ͧ��龹ѡ�ҹ��Ź��ü�Ե ������级ҹ����
    7. �ز����д� ����㹵��ͧ ��зӧҹ�����Ѻ���������
    8. Contact : �س�ѡ� �ѹ����ʧ Tel : 02-367-2000 ��� 2203, 2426

    Shop/Store Manager � ����ͧ�͹(Jaspal Home Collection)

    ���˹觧ҹ : Shop/Store Manager � ����ͧ�͹(Jaspal Home Collection)
    ��������´�ҹ : Jaspal Home Shop first opened in 1993, has been on the forefront of the luxury linens in Thailand with our classic, timeless, and yet artistic designs, high-end quality and superior craftsmanship of imported bed and bath linens. Bedlinen offerings range from exotic Egyptian cotton through all pure sateen up to high-end intrinsic Jacquard. In our bath collection, Jaspal Home brings you bath robes, bath accessories, spa essentials, candles and towels. Besides, the sumptuous linen, Jaspal Home also provides stylish home décor for dining, living and bedroom.

    Job description :

    The candidate will be responsible for managing the P&L and driving sales for the store through efficient store operations, excellent customer service delivery, motivation and retention of store personnel and adherence to company norms.

    - Handling the Operations of the Store
    - Preparing & Achieving Sales Targets & Monitor & Track Sales Performance
    - Ensuring customer needs are met and complaints/queries are resolved in a timely manner
    - Manpower & Resource Planning, Identifying avenues for Branding, etc.
    - Training the Retail Staff to be excellent in customer service and have good knowledge of product sold in the shop
    - Coordinating with customer service and warehouse team for stock updates, order follow, smooth delivery etc.
    - Ensuring store expectations and priorities are communicated to the staff
    - Reviewing and providing regular feedback on staff�s performance against expectations
    - Actively seeking ways to achieve or exceed shop sales targets
    - Observing, collecting and analyzing data and information obtained from customers in order to plan for customer relationship management
    - Monitoring all point of sales activities in the store including sales transactions, tracking payments, maintaining inventory updates, handling returns and refunds, gathering consumer data for feedback

    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Central Embassy
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : �����ѹ
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Male / Female with good personality and strong service skills
    2. University graduate or MBA in related field
    3. At least 3 years experience as a Store Manager (preferably with Home Furnishing Retails Outlets)
    4. Excellent Communication and Selling Skills
    5. Good command of English, third language such as Chinese, French, Japanese will be beneficial
    6. Contact : Khun Pimpaphatsorn Prongrasamee Tel : 02-312-6800 Ext.5002

    ��ҹ��蹵� V Eyewear �Ѻ��Ѥü��Ѵ�����ҹ/�ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ/��ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ �ӹǹ�����ѵ��

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ҹ��蹵� V Eyewear �Ѻ��Ѥü��Ѵ�����ҹ/�ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ/��ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ �ӹǹ�����ѵ��
    ��������´�ҹ : About...... V Eyewear
    We love fashion. We love eyewear. And we love people.

    But what we don�t love are the ever-increasing prices people are being asked to pay for so-called �designer� eyewear. We know how much it really costs to make fashionable, high-quality eyeglasses using the exact same prescription lenses, materials and techniques as more famous brands and frankly, it�s a fraction of what they�re charging on a regular basis.
    We believe that everybody deserves to see, and to be able to express their own individual sense of style while they�re doing it, regardless of their personal net worth. That�s why we�ve created an alternative fashion eyewear company that puts customers first, instead of profits. A fashion eyewear company that asks people to pay only for actual value, not some logo. A fashion eyewear company that says you don�t have to be a slave to a brand any brand to see and look your absolute best.

    Wear your independence. Welcome to V Eyewear.

    - �繼��ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ����Ң�
    - ����ҹ�ҹ �����ҧ�Ң� �Ѻ �ӹѡ�ҹ ��� ˹��§ҹ��¹͡����
    - �Ѻ���ʹͧ��º�º���ѷ任�Ժѵ�
    - �����çҹ ��ШѴ�������ͧ��ҧ��Ң�������º���� �����Ҩ��繡��ѧ�� ����Թ��úѭ�����ҹ ����ͧ�������ػ�ó���Ң� �Թ��� ʵ�ͤ�Թ��� ��ô�������Թ���
    - ����ԡ�õ�Ǩ�Ѵ��µ� ��� �й�
    - ���ӻ�֡�Ҵ�ҹ��µ� �Թ��� ��м�Ե�ѳ����
    - ͺ�� �֡�� �����������Դ�ѡ�� ������ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ����

    - ��͹�Ѻ��� ��ԡ���١���
    - �����й�������ӻ�֡������ǡѺ�Թ�����
    - �й�������� ������͸Ժ�����Ѻ�١�����
    - �����Թ��� ��ô��������� �������Ҵ ���ҹ

    �ѵ�� : 10 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : 15,000-25,000 �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ӧҹ�ࢵ�ҧ�л� , ������ 9 �оԨ�ó��繾����
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : �ҧ�л�, �֧����, �оҹ�٧
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �س���ѵԵ��˹� ���Ѵ�����ҹ/�ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ��蹵� V Eyewear
    2. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ��������Թ 35 �� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ˹�ҵҴ� ���Ҵ ��� ��������Ѻ�Թ���
    3. �ز� �.6 � �Ǫ. ����ջ��ʺ��ó� ���ҹ���������ӡ��� 3 ����� �ջ��ʺ��ó� ��дѺ���Ѵ��������ͧ ���Ѵ���������ӡ��� 1 ��
    4. �ٴ�ҩЩҹ ����������ҷ�� ������������ѹ��� �դ����繼��� ��� ����ͧ�����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ�����
    5. �դ������ҧ��ҹ�Ѵ��µ� ��Сͺ�������Ź��
    6. ����ö�ӧҹ��������Դ-�Դ�ͧ��ҧ��þ�Թ����� ������������ѧ����� ��ж���դ�������鹰ҹ�ҧ��ҹῪ�蹴��¨����Ѻ��þԨ�ó��繾����
    7. �س���ѵԵ��˹觾�ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ��蹵� V Eyewear
    8. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ��������Թ 35 �� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ˹�ҵҴ� ���Ҵ ��� ��������Ѻ�Թ��� �ٴ�ҩЩҹ ����������ҷ�� ������������ѹ���
    9. �ز� �.6 � �Ǫ. ����ջ��ʺ��ó� 㹡�â��������ӡ��� 2 �� ����繻��ʺ��ó� ��ҹ��蹨����Ѻ��þԨ�ó��繾����
    10. ����ö�ӧҹ��������Դ-�Դ�ͧ��ҧ��þ�Թ�����

    ���˹�ҷ������çҹ�ؤ�������� /���˹�ҧҹ�������ФѴ���͡�ؤ�ҡ�

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ������çҹ�ؤ�������� /���˹�ҧҹ�������ФѴ���͡�ؤ�ҡ�
    ��������´�ҹ : - Study to have good understanding of JASPAL Business and work with Recruitment Manager to prepare manpower plan and budget, revise or set up recruitment policy and procedures, create strategies and campaigns to attract candidates at all levels
    - Manage recruitment areas and all facilities to be ready for welcoming applicants
    - Perform application pre-screening and support Recruitment Manager in contacting and welcoming applicants
    - Facilitate applicants in the process of filling application form and submitting required documents
    - Conduct assessment and selection process to select the right candidates in align with recruitment procedures
    - Conduct on-call and face to face interviews for the assigned posts to identify successful candidates
    - Submit possible candidates for higher levels for the final interview by Recruitment Supervisor/Manager
    - Proactive coordinate with concerned departments for second or final interview and conclusion
    - Prepare and submit candidate offer recommendation and follow up the approval until hiring
    - Make job offers to candidates in designated levels, prepare an employment contracts and facilitate in the whole hiring process as assigned by superiors
    - Build and maintain clear and effective communication with internal and external parties according to recruitment and selection process.
    - Follow up and coordinate with recruitment channels and active use of recruitment tools
    - Deal with proper medias for approaching the right candidates as agreed by Recruitment Manager and HR Director
    - Assist in managing job advertisements in Company website, public websites, banners, magazines and other sources
    - Coordinate with college, universities, and all manpower sources to conduct recruitment communication activity
    - Conduct recruitment activities such as Job Fair and Mass Recruitment
    - Support Recruitment/HR Manager with daily/weekly update on recruitment progress
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Bangchak, Phra Khanong, Bangkok
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, age 25-35 yrs. with pleasant personality
    2. BA. in Human Resources Management, Political Science in any areas relevant to HRM or Business Administration, English or any related major.
    3. Min. 1 year experience in human resources management, experience in recruitment and selection is preferred, but not essential
    4. Good knowledge and/or experience in standard practice of HRM and labor law/practices
    5. Well-organized, strong sense of urgency and able to manage priorities
    6. Mature and proactive with good communication and interpersonal skills
    7. Be able to work under pressure with can do and positive attitude, self-motivated and team spirit
    8. Good at computer-literate, preferable in Microsoft Offices (Ms Word, MS Excel), email and Internet
    9. Knowledge of social network is preferred
    10. Good command of English both reading, verbal and written

    ��ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ�Ң� (����ͼ������ͧ�觡��Ὺ��) 㹡�ا෾���е�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ�Ң� (����ͼ������ͧ�觡��Ὺ��) 㹡�ا෾���е�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ
    ��������´�ҹ : ��Ժѵԧҹ���˹觾�ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ �ء�Ң�
    �Ң�㹡�ا෾� ��л������ :
    1.�ٹ���ä������������, �������ҡ͹, �繷��������Ŵ, ZEN, ������ʤѿ������, ����Թ����ҫ��, ��þ�ҫ��, Ὺ�������Ź��, �����������ѧ�Ե, �դ͹�����, �դ͹����� �ҧ�, ����䴫����, ���кҧ��, ��������, Terminal 21, ������������, King Power ����ҧ���, ʹ���Թ�͹���ͧ, �ٹ���ä�ҷͧ���� ��ǹ��, �٫١� ��ǹ�� �Ѫ�¸Թ, EMBASSY
    2.�繷��ž�ҫ�� �ҢҪԴ��-�Ҵ�����-�ѵ�Ҹ�����-���Ѳ��-������9 ��ҧ��-�������-������ 2- ������ 3 - ���������硫�, ������, �úԹ�ѹ�آ���Է
    3.ʶҹ�ö俿�� BTS ʶҹվ�������� -ʶҹժԴ�� � ʶҹ���ȡ - ʶҹ���ͪԵ � ʶҹ�͹�������
    4.�������� �ҢҺҧ� ���Ҿ��-���ǧ���ҹ-�ҧ�л�-������˧

    �Ң�㹵�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ : �ء�Ҥ���ǻ���� �Դ�Ѻ��Ѥ÷ء�ѧ��Ѵ �ѧ���
    ��§���, ��§����, �ӻҧ, ��ɳ��š, ��Ҫ �.����Ҫ����, �͹��, �شøҹ�, �غ��Ҫ�ҹ�, �ѷ��, �ź���, ���ͧ, ����Թ �.��ШǺ���բѹ��, ���� �.ྪú���, ����, �������, ����ɮ��ҹ�, �Ҵ�˭� �.ʧ���
    (��������´ʶҹ�����ҹ��� ����ö��������˹� ��ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ�Ңҵ�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ)

    ������鹵�� 15,000 �ҷ����
    [�Թ��͹11,000 �ҷ+ �����ǧ����OT + ��ҷӧҹ��ѹ��ش + ����Ԫ��� + �Թ�ҧ��ź������ҡ�â��(����������) �����ʴԡ�� ���� ⺹�� ��Сѹ���Ե ��Сѹ�آ�Ҿ ��Сѹ�ѧ�� ��ǹŴ�����Թ��ҷ������ �Է�Ծѡ��͹������Ѻ�������á ������� �����駻�Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӻշء�� ,�͡�ʤ�������˹��㹧ҹ���ҧ�Ǵ���Ƿ������Ѻ��þԨ�óҢ�����ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ ���Ѵ�����ҹ ���˹�ҧҹ��� ��� �ҡ�ռŧҹ����

    ��Ѥô�ǹ��� ʹ�.�˭� (����ŧ�����ҹ�Ң��������Դ����)
    ��ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ : �ô��Ѥ÷ҧ ��./Email ��к���ѷ� �йѴ�����ɳ�����ҹ�Ң�������ҧ� 㹨ѧ��Ѵ����
    �͡��÷���� : ���Һѵû�ЪҪ� � ���ҷ���¹��ҹ ��ѡ�ҹ����֡��
    �����Ѻ�ͧ��ü�ҹ�ҹ (����Ѻ����ջ��ʺ��ó� ) �����Ѻ�ͧ�Թ��͹ (��������Ի�Թ��͹�ҡ���ӧҹ�������) �ٻ���� 2 � ���觵����������Ƿ��Ѵਹ �������㹪ش�Ѻ��ԭ�� ��������ǡ ��������� �������������(���ٻ����繸����ҵ�)

    �����˵� ����ѷ����ա���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ�͡ʶҹ��� (�ҡ�ա�èѴ�ҹ�Ѻ��Ѥ÷��㴡�л�С�ȼ�ҹ Website ����Һ�繤���� ����к��ѹ-����-ʶҹ���) ���㹡���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ������ա�����¡�纤�Һ�ԡ���� ������ �ҡ����繺ؤ����¹͡��й�����繵��᷹�����繾�ѡ�ҹ�ͧ����ѷ� ���Ѻ��Ѥ� ������¡���Թ�����Ѥ� �������ͧẺ �Թ��ӻ�Сѹ ���ͤ��������� �ô�����ٻ�ؤ�Ŵѧ����� ����駺���ѷ� (��. 02-367-2000 ���� ) �����ҡ�˵ء�ó��Դ�����ҧ� ��س���������˹�ҷ��ͧ��ҧ� �����ٹ���ä���·ѹ�� ���ʹ��Թ����ͺ�ǹ��ШѴ��õ��������

    �ѵ�� : 250 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������鹵�� 15,000 �ҷ���� (�Թ��͹ 11,000 + Commission + Incentive ������������ + OT) �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Upcountry
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ���������ҧ 18-27 �� �ٻ��ҧ�� (�����Ѥ� ��� ��ͧ�٧ 170 ��.���� ���˭ԧ �٧ 158 ��.����)
    2. �ز� �.3- �.6 /�Ǫ.- ���.- �.��� �ء�Ң�
    3. �ؤ�ԡ���ͧ���� ���Ҿ ��þٴ-���������ô� �շѡ�з���㹡�ù��ʹ͡Ѻ�١���
    4. ���������ѹ��� ����ѡ�ҹ��ԡ�� ����ջ��ʺ��ó�ҹ����Һ�ҧ���繻���ª��
    5. �դ���ʹ㨴�ҹῪ�� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��������Ѻ�Թ�����ù������Ѥ�
    6. ������л�Ժѵԧҹ������ҷӡ�âͧ�ٹ���ä��,��ҧ��þ�Թ���
    7. �����˵� ����ѷ� ����ҹ�Ң�������ٹ���ä�Ҫ�鹹� ���� ���.��Шѧ��Ѵ�˭�� 㹵�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ �� ��§���� ���� ��Ҫ �͹�� ��§��� �ӻҧ �ź��� �ѷ�� ���ͧ ����ɮ��ҹ� �Ҵ�˭� �غ��Ҫ�ҹ� �شøҹ� ����Թ ��� ����դ����������ҧ��þ�Թ��Ҫ�鹹����¨ѧ��Ѵ ����������ҹ��������躹ʶҹ�ö俿������ʶҹ� �繵�
    8. Contact : Tel : 02-367-2000 ��� 2202, 2204, 2426

    ���Ѵ�����ҹ / �ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ (����ͼ������ͧ�觡��Ὺ��) - �Ѻ��Ѥ���������ɳ�ѹ��

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���Ѵ�����ҹ / �ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ (����ͼ������ͧ�觡��Ὺ��) - �Ѻ��Ѥ���������ɳ�ѹ��
    ��������´�ҹ : ���Ѵ�����ҹ
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    - ����ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ�ٹ���ä�� ������â����� ��º�� ����� ����º��ѧ�����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ��
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    - �繼�����㹡�ú�������ҹ ����ͧ��ѡ�ҹ ��ШѴ����§ҹ ��Ժѵԧҹ᷹���Ѵ�����ҹ����ͼ��.��ҹ�������
    - ��͹�Ѻ �ʹ͢�� ����ԡ�÷������١��� ��з�˹�ҷ�����Թ (ᤪ�����)

    ���˹觼��Ѵ�����ҹ ��� �ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ ���Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӷ���
    ����������鹵�� 20,000 �ҷ����

    �Թ��͹���Ѵ�����ҹ 16,500 �ҷ
    �ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ �Թ��͹ 13,000 �ҷ
    +����Ԫ��� ��Ф����ǧ����-��ҷӧҹ��ѹ��ش �Թ�ҧ��ź����������¡�â�� �ա�û�Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӻ� �����ʴԡ�÷��� ���� ⺹�� ��Сѹ�آ�Ҿ ��Сѹ���Ե ��� ������͡�ʡ���˹�����§ҹ��������ҹ�Ң�(Retail Management) �����������ö�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ

    �����˵� ����ѷ����ա���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ�͡ʶҹ��� (�ҡ�ա�èѴ�ҹ�Ѻ��Ѥ÷��㴡�л�С�ȼ�ҹ Website ����Һ�繤���� ����к��ѹ-����-ʶҹ���) ���㹡���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ������ա�����¡�纤�Һ�ԡ���� ������ �ҡ����繺ؤ����¹͡��й�����繵��᷹�����繾�ѡ�ҹ�ͧ����ѷ� ���Ѻ��Ѥ�������¡���Թ�����Ѥ� �������ͧẺ �Թ��ӻ�Сѹ ���ͤ��������� �ô�����ٻ�ؤ�Ŵѧ����� ����駺���ѷ� (��. 02-367-2000 / email) �����ҡ�˵ء�ó��Դ�����ҧ� ��س���������˹�ҷ��ͧ��ҧ� �����ٹ���ä���·ѹ�� ���ʹ��Թ����ͺ�ǹ��ШѴ��õ��������

    �ѵ�� : �����ѵ�� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������鹵�� 20,000 �ҷ���� (�Թ��͹���Ѵ�����ҹ 16,500 �ҷ, �ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ 13,000 �ҷ ++) �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Upcountry
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ���� 26-32 �� ����٧ 170 ��.���� ���˭ԧ�٧ 157 ��. ���� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� �����������Ѻ�ù���Թ���
    2. �ز� �.6 - �Ǫ. ����ջ��ʺ��ó���дѺ ���. ��ҹ�ͧ��ҹ��˹�������ͼ�ҷ���ժ������§�ҡ��� 3 �� ���ͻ��. - ��ԭ�ҵ�� ����ջ��ʺ��ó���дѺ ���. ��ҹ�����ͧ ���. ��ҹ�������¡��� 1 �� ���ջ���ѵԡ�÷ӧҹ���� ��駴�ҹ�ŧҹ ��Ф��������ѵ���ب�Ե
    3. �դ��������к���Ժѵԧҹ��ҹ��һ�ա �դ�������ö㹡����䢻ѭ�� ����������������
    4. �ٴ�ҩЩҹ ����������ҷ �ز�����������������ѹ��� �դ�������ö㹡�û���ͧ�ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ��
    5. ����ö�ӧҹ��������Դ-�Դ �ͧ��ҧ��þ�Թ�����
    6. �������ö������������ѧ�����ը����Ѻ��þԨ�ó��繾��������ŧ��Ժѵԧҹ���ҹ������١��ҵ�ҧ�ҵ��ҡ�
    7. �պؤ�Ť�ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ����س���ѵԷ�����ѷ��˹�
    8. �����˵� : ����դس���ѵ��ͧŧ仨����Ѻ��þԨ�ó�㹵��˹��ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ
    9. ��� 2 ���˹觻�Ш���ҹ JASPAL, CPS:CHAPS, CPS:MEN, CC-OO, LYN, LYN AROUND, Misty Mynx, Footwork, Footwork Noir, Fred Perry, Models Own, Jelly Bunny � ���.��Шѧ��Ѵ�˭�� �� ��§���� ���� ��Ҫ �͹�� ��§��� �ӻҧ �ź��� �ѷ�� ���ͧ ����ɮ��ҹ� �Ҵ�˭� �غ��Ҫ�ҹ� �شøҹ� �������Թ �繵�
    10. ��Ѥ���ء�ѹ �ѹ��� - �ء�� �����ºؤ��� 1054 �.�آ���Է 66/1 �ҧ�ҡ ���⢹� ��ا෾� 10260 ��. 02-367-2000 ��� 2426,2203

    ��ѡ�ҹ���¢�ª�ǧ SALE (���Ǥ���)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ���¢�ª�ǧ SALE (���Ǥ���)
    ��������´�ҹ : ��ǹ!!! �Ѻ��Ѥþ�ѡ�ҹ���¢�� ��ǧ��èѴ���������� (Sale) 650 �ѵ��
    ������ѹ��� - 15 �á�Ҥ� 2558

    1.�繧ҹ���º�ԡ�� ���������١��� �Ѻ�ҡ�ͧ ���������١���
    2.��������ͧ / �Ѵ�Թ���/ �Ѵ��ҹ �Ӣͧ���ا����١��� �������

    �������ҷӧҹ ����� 8 �ѹ - 2.5 ��͹ �����赡ŧ�ѹ ���Ҩ��������ҹ��� ������ع�ŧ�ҹ SALE �ͧ�ù����蹷�����¨Ѵ��͡ѹ�

    *��Ҩ�ҧ/�ѹ 350 �ҷ ( ��͡�÷ӧҹ 8 ��.���������Ҿѡ�����ҧ��÷ӧҹ 1 �������)
    *�����ǧ���� ��ѵ�� 1.5 ��� ���� ��.�� 65.6 �ҷ
    *� 5 �ѹ�á ���Թ����� ( �Թ�繷տ) �ѹ�� 100 �ҷ ������Ҥú�ء�ѹ ��л�ԺѵԵ�����͹�

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    *� 5 �ѹ�á (������Թ�Թ�繷տ 100 �ҷ���� ) �����Ѻ 450 �ҷ �ó������ OT. ��Сóշ��� OT. 1-2-3 ��. �����Ѻ��ҵͺ᷹ 485-551-616 �ҷ ����ӴѺ
    *��ѹ���������Թ�Թ�繷տ �����Ѻ��鹵�� 350 �ҷ (����� OT.) ��Сóշ��� OT. 1-2-3 ��. �����Ѻ��ҵͺ᷹ 415 - 481- 547 �ҷ ����ӴѺ

    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ҹ�ͧ����ѷ� �ء�ù�� ���� JASPAL , CPS:CHAPS, LYN, LYN AROUND, CC-OO, Misty Mynx, Fred Perry, Royal Ivy Regatta �繵� ���Ң��������ҧ��þ�Թ��� / �ٹ���ä�Ҫ�鹹�㹡��. ��л������ �������Ң�㹵�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ �� ����-�ҧ�� (��طû�ҡ��) �繷���-�Ҵ�ǹ��� �繷���-������쵾�ҫ����§���� �繷���-��§��� �繷���-�ӻ�ҧ �繷���-�͹�� �繷���-��ɳ��š �繷���-�شøҹ� ��������-��Ҫ ����ࡵ����Ũ-����Թ ����š����鹷�-�ѷ�� �繷���-�ѷ�Һժ �繷���-�ź��� �����ͧ-���ͧ �繷���-����ɮ��ҹ� ��� �繵�

    �ѵ�� : 650 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : 350 �ҷ �֧ 616 �ҷ / �ѹ (�����.�ӧҹ ����Թ�繷տ) �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Bangkok
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ�� �٧ 160 ��.���� / ��˭ԧ �٧ 156 ��. ����
    2. �ٻ��ҧ ˹�ҵ� ��кؤ�ԡ�����ࡳ��ҹ��ҧ - ��
    3. ���� 18 -32 �� �繹ѡ�֡�� ���� ������֡�� �.6 ����
    4. �ٴ�ҩЩҹ ������ѹ�ѹ��� ����ѡ�ҹ��ԡ��
    5. ����ö�ӧҹ������ҵ�����Դ��ҹ �֧ �Դ��ҹ
    6. ***����Ѻ��ҹ㹡��. ��л������ ��ͧ����Ѥ÷���ӹѡ�ҹ����ѷ� ����آ���Է 66/1 ��ҹ��
    7. ***����Ѻ��ҹ��ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ �����ҹ����������ӹѡ�ҹ�ҡ �� �ҧ� ������ 2 ������ 3 ������� ���������� Ὺ�������Ź�� ���Ѳ�� ���ǧ���ҹ �ѵ�Ҹ����� �������Ѥçҹ����� �ô�Դ����ӹѡ�ҹ��͹�·ҧ���Ѿ� ���� ����� ���͹Ѵ�����ɳ�����ҹ
    8. ***�����Ѥ÷ء��ҹ�ôṺ File �ٻ���¤��觵����������� ���Ѵਹ ��������ǡ ��������� (����ö���¨ҡ���ͧ�ԨԵ�����͡��ͧ���Ѿ����Ͷ��) �ô�����ٻ�����¨ҡ��ҹ�����ٻ ����ٻ㹪ش�����Ѻ��ԭ��
    9. ***��Ѥá�͹ ���͡��ҹ���͹ �Ң�㹡��.��ͺ����͹�ӧҹ 1 �ѻ����
    10. ***�ӧҹ�� ���Է�����Ѻ��þԨ�ó�����繾�ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ѧ�� SALE ****

    ��ǹ! �Ң��繷��ž�ҫ� ��ʵ�ࡵ (����¡�ҧ�˭�) �Ѻ��Ѥþ�ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ�Ң� (��Ш���ҹ����� JASPAL GROUP)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ǹ! �Ң��繷��ž�ҫ� ��ʵ�ࡵ (����¡�ҧ�˭�) �Ѻ��Ѥþ�ѡ�ҹ��Ш���ҹ�Ң� (��Ш���ҹ����� JASPAL GROUP)
    ��������´�ҹ : �Ѻ��Ѥ� ���Ѵ�����ҹ �ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ ��� ��ѡ�ҹ��� ��Ш���ҹ JASPAL , CPS:CHAPS, CC-OO, LYN, LYN AROUND, V EYEWEAR ��� JELLY BUNNY ��� 40 �ѵ�� ���ͻ�Ш��Ң��繷��ž�ҫ� ��ʵ�ࡵ (����¡�ҧ�˭�) ����������ҧ�¡��ҧ�дѺ�ҧ�˭� ����dz�ش�Ѵ����ҭ������ɡ��ж���ѵ�Ҹ����� �Ӻ���Ҹ��Թ ����ͺҧ�˭� �ѧ��Ѵ������� (�͹Ҥ� ���Թ�ҧ��Ҷ֧����ö俿���������ǧ �����ʡ�����졨ҡʶҹյ�Ҵ�ҧ�˭��������������ҧ�繷�����ʵ�ࡵ �ҧ�˭�) ���ա�˹�������ҹ������ҧ��͹�Զع�¹ 2558 �繵�� (�֡�ҹ����Ң���蹡�͹) �����������һ�Шӡ�÷���Ң���ʵ�ࡵ�����Դ��ԡ���ѹ��� 23 �á�Ҥ� 2558 ���


    �����Ѥ�����ö�Դ�����Ѥçҹ���� ��ҹ JASPAL �Ң��繷��ž�ҫ� ��ʵ�ࡵ (����¡�ҧ�˭�) �����ͺ�������������� 02-367-2000 ��� 2426 , 2204

    ��������´�ѵ�Ҩ�ҧ���˹觧ҹ �ѧ���
    �ѵ���Թ��͹ 16,500 �ҷ++ ����Ѻ���Ѵ�����ҹ
    �ѵ���Թ��͹ 13,000 �ҷ++ ����Ѻ�ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ

    �ѵ���Թ��͹ 11,000 �ҷ ++

    ���˹觹������Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӷ��� + ����Ԫ��� ��Ф����ǧ����-��ҷӧҹ��ѹ��ش �Թ�ҧ��ź����������¡�â�� �ա�û�Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӻ� �����ʴԡ�÷��� ���� ⺹�� ��Сѹ�آ�Ҿ ��Сѹ���Ե ��� ������͡�ʡ���˹�����§ҹ��������ҹ�Ң� (Retail Management) �����������ö�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ

    �����˵� �»��Ժ���ѷ����ա���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ�͡ʶҹ��� (�ҡ�ա�èѴ�ҹ�Ѻ��Ѥ÷��� ��л�С�ȼ�ҹ website ����Һ�繤��������к��ѹ-����-ʶҹ��� �ѧ����ɳҹ��) ���㹡���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ������ա�����¡�纤�Һ�ԡ���� ������ �ҡ����繺ؤ����¹͡��й�����繵��᷹�����繾�ѡ�ҹ�ͧ����ѷ� ���Ѻ��Ѥ� ������¡���Թ�����Ѥ� �������ͧẺ �Թ��ӻ�Сѹ ���ͤ��������� �ô�����ٻ�ؤ�Ŵѧ����� ����駺���ѷ� (��. 02-367-2000 ���� ) �����ҡ�˵ء�ó��Դ�����ҧ� ��س���������˹�ҷ��ͧ��ҧ� �����ٹ���ä���·ѹ�� ���ʹ��Թ����ͺ�ǹ��ШѴ��õ��������

    �ѵ�� : �ӹǹ�ҡ ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������鹵��15,000 -25,000�ҷ���� (�Թ��͹ + Commission+Incentive ������������ + OT) �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Sao Thong Hin, Bang Yai, Nonthaburi
    �ѧ��Ѵ : �������
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���Ѵ�����ҹ ��˭ԧ ��������Թ 32 ��
    2. �ͧ���.��ҹ ��˭ԧ ���ͪ�� ���� ����Թ 28 ��
    3. ˭ԧ ��ǹ�٧ 157 ��.���� ��� ��� �٧ 170 ��.����
    4. �ز� �.6 - ��ԭ�ҵ�� ���ӡѴ�Ң� ���ز����� - �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ����СѺ�Թ���Ὺ�� - ���������ѹ���
    5. ����ö�ӧҹ������� �Դ-�Դ �ͧ��ҧ��þ�Թ����� ����ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ
    6. �դ��������Ըջ�Ժѵԧҹ�ͧ��ҹ��һ�ա �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ���-��ԡ����Чҹ��������ҹ��˹�������ͧ�觡�������Թ��һ����������§�������¡��� 2 �� �ջ���ѵԡ�÷ӧҹ���� ��駼ŧҹ ��Ф��������ѵ���ب�Ե
    7. ��ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ���� 18 - 25 �� �.�٧ 158 ��. ���� ��� 170 ��.����
    8. �ز� �.6-�Ǫ.-���.- ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ء�Ң�
    9. �պؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��С�Ի�Ժѵԧҹ��������Դ-�Դ��ҧ�� ����ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ ������ҷ�� ���ͧ���Ǿٴ�ҩЩҹ �դ�������ö㹡�����������й��ʹ͢�� ����ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ����Һ�ҧ
    10. Contact : �سǹԴ� ���� �س���Ծ� Tel : 02-367-2000 ��� 2204, 2426

    ���˹�ҧҹ�����-��Ҩ�ҧ (Recruitment Supervisor)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҧҹ�����-��Ҩ�ҧ (Recruitment Supervisor)
    ��������´�ҹ : -��˹�ҷ����ǹ�ҹ��ҹἹ������-��Ҩ�ҧ ��� / ���� ���ʴԡ�� ��к�ԡ�þ�ѡ�ҹ�ͧ���ºؤ���
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    �Թ��͹ : (����ç���ҧ�ͧ����ѷ)+��鹡Ѻ��������ö ��л��ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��Ժѵԧҹ��� �.�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��� / ˭ԧ ���� 30-35 �� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��
    2. �ز� �.��� �ҢҺ����çҹ�ؤ�� �����ø�áԨ �����Ңҷ�������§
    3. ��ҹ�ҹ��ҹ�����-��Ҩ�ҧ ���/���ͧҹ���ʴԡ�� ��к�ԡ�þ�ѡ�ҹ�ͧ���ºؤ���
    4. �繼���ѡ㹧ҹ��ԡ�� �ӧҹ�ԧ�ء�� �����´ �ͺ�ͺ �Ǵ���� ��л�Ժѵԧҹ�����觴�ǹ���
    5. �շ�ȹ����ԧ�ǡ �ز������������ ���������ѹ��� ���ͧ���� ��ЩѺ���੧ ����㹵��ͧ ����դ�������ö㹡�õԴ��ͻ���ҹ�ҹ
    6. ����ö��Ժѵԧҹ�͡ʶҹ����� �դ�����������ѧ��� �оԨ�ó��繾����
    7. ����ö����������� (MS Office) ����ͧ ������Թ������-������ ��վ������
    8. Contact : �س���������� �������� Tel : 0-23126800 ��� 604

    ��ҧ෤�Ԥ�Ǻ�������ͧ�ѡ� / ��ҧ෤�Ԥ�������ا(����ͧ��-俿��)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ҧ෤�Ԥ�Ǻ�������ͧ�ѡ� / ��ҧ෤�Ԥ�������ا(����ͧ��-俿��)
    ��������´�ҹ : ������ФǺ�������ͧ�ѡô��¤�����ʹ���
    �ѵ�� : 3 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ҡ�ջ��ʺ��ó�оԨ�ó��繾����
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���ز� ���.�Ң�෤�Ԥ��ü�Ե ���� ෤�Ԥ�ص��ˡ�� ��ҧ���ç�ҹ(����ͧ�ѡ��ѵ��ѵ�) ����俿�ҡ��ѧ ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    2. �ջ��ʺ��ó� 1 �� ����㹧ҹ�Ǻ��� ��к��ا�ѡ������ͧ�ѡ���ç�ҹ�ص��ˡ���
    3. ����դ����������ǡѺ�����¹ǧ�� / PLC �оԨ�ó��繾����
    4. ���˹觹���Ш��ç�ҹ �ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19 �ҧ��� (����.�������)
    5. Contact : �س���������� �������� Tel : 0-23126800 ��� 5002

    Shop Manager/Asst.Shop Manager - Cambodia

    ���˹觧ҹ : Shop Manager/Asst.Shop Manager - Cambodia
    ��������´�ҹ : Reporting to International Business Development Manager, the incumbent will be responsible for managing the overall daily operation of the store to maximize sales and profits by taking ownership and responsibility for all aspects of store operations, while playing an active role on the sales floor.

    - Perform excellent customer service and demonstrate strong selling skills
    - Manage people, store operations and environment to achieve sales, service, customer satisfaction, and profitability goals
    - Ensure store windows and in-store visual merchandising are in line with brand�s guideline and the store is maintained in proper housekeeping
    - Monitor the retail store inventory level; replenishment of stock and return cycle is carried out accordingly
    - Attend to customer complaints and ensure they are tactfully handled
    - Communicate company and store direction to staff and prepare action plan in order to drive sales
    - Implement sales events and promotion in accordance to sales plan
    - Maintain store staff job results by leading, coaching, training, motivating, counseling and disciplining employees; also monitoring job results and providing advice for staff performance improvement
    - Work with the management and HR regarding manpower planning, recruitment and selection, training program, staff evaluation and all personnel actions
    - Submit attendance report and other related documents to HR and Finance Manager for payroll processing
    - Ensure that all HR issues are carried out consistently with the company�s HR policies and practice
    - Responsible for staff working schedule, handle and maintain staff discipline
    - Submit all monthly store expenses/invoices, sales performance, and other reports to Finance Manager to process the payment
    - Support Finance Manager for any required Administrative and Financial Activities
    - Work with the parent company in Thailand and shipping company on import process
    - Other tasks as assigned by the superior

    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : AEON Mall, Phnom Penh Cambodia
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Diploma-BA degree in any relevant studies
    2. Cambodian nationality or Thai nationalitywith Khmer language skills
    3. Specialize in customer service with strong communication and presentation skills
    4. Strong proficiency in English, bilingual is preferred
    5. Computer literate and good numerical skills
    6. Excellent interpersonal skills, leadership qualities and managerial skills
    7. Good knowledge of fashion retailing with at least 3 years of store management experience
    8. Commit to work on shift, long hours, weekends, and Public Holidays as needed
    9. Confident, dynamic, proactive, sales-oriented, motivated with committed work attitude
    10. Able to start working in middle of July 2015

    Sales Associate/Sr. Sales Associate - Cambodia

    ���˹觧ҹ : Sales Associate/Sr. Sales Associate - Cambodia
    ��������´�ҹ : The Sales Associate is responsible for providing warm welcome, effective presentation and demonstration of products and with a high level of service to customers in order to satisfy their shopping needs and enhance their shopping experience.

    - Achieve sales target as assigned by the Company
    - Follow the company guideline and operational standard
    - Replenish products on shelf and participate in stock count
    - Maintain good housekeeping conditions in the store
    - Maintain well-presented visual merchandise and displays
    - Provide excellent customer service and product knowledge to customers
    - Assist in opening and closing of the store
    - Assist in cashiering duties when required
    - Assist and support in-store marketing events

    ** More experienced candidates will be considered for Sr. Sales Associate

    �ѵ�� : 3 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : AEON Mall, Phnom Penh Cambodia
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Min. high school degree or higher in any field
    2. At least 1 year experience in fashion retail or service industry
    3. Cambodian nationality or Thai nationalitywith Khmer language skills
    4. Service-oriented with strong selling and customer service skills
    5. Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
    6. Confident, honest, enthusiastic and a good team player
    7. Responsible, patient and motivated with positive work attitude
    8. Good in spoken English to liaise with the superiors and serve international customers
    9. Commit to work on shift, long hours, weekends, and Public Holidays as needed
    10. Able to start working by middle of July

    ��ѡ�ҹ���- ���͹��������ͧ�͹ ...��Ш��Ң�Mall������˧, HP���١�� (�ô��Brands+�Ңҷ���ͧ��� 㹡����Ѥçҹ)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ���- ���͹��������ͧ�͹ ...��Ш��Ң�Mall������˧, HP���١�� (�ô��Brands+�Ңҷ���ͧ��� 㹡����Ѥçҹ)
    ��������´�ҹ : ���˹� ��ѡ�ҹ��� (���͹�������ͧ�͹) ���������µ����͹ ����ӡ��� 14,000 �ҷ
    �ҡ�Թ��͹��Ш� (11,000 �ҷ) ��Ҥ���Ԫ��� �����ǧ���� ��ҷӧҹ��ѹ��ش ⺹�� ��Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӻշء��
    �ջ�Сѹ�ѧ�� ��Сѹ�آ�Ҿ ��Сѹ���Ե �������º����ѷ ����ͧẺ ��ǹŴ�����Թ������������ �Թ��������� - �ͧ��ѭ㹡óյ�ҧ� �繵�

    ��ͧ��ô�ǹ!...��Ш�Mall������˧, HP���١�� ..... ���ͻ�Ш���ҧ� ��鹹ӷء�Ңҷ��ǻ���� �� �繷��� �úԹ�ѹ �������� (����������ҡ͹��д� ����������) ����� �Թ�硫� CDC ���кҧ�� �����ҧ�ػ�������� (�����/ �ŵ��/ ��������/ ��ꡫ� / ��ꡫ���硫����/���ʴ�) ���� ���. ��е�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ

    �ѵ�� : �����ѵ�� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������� 11,000 �ҷ+����Ԫ���+�ͷ�+��ҷӧҹ��ѹ��ش+⺹��+��Сѹ���Ե+�آ�Ҿ��� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Upcountry
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �����Ѥä����..�ù��/������/��о�鹷�����ͧ��û�Ժѵԧҹ..��� HR ��Һ����E-Mail ��͹
    2. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ���� 18 - 32 �� �ز� �.6-�Ǫ.-���.- �.��� �ء�Ң�
    3. �ٴ�ҩЩҹ �դ�������ö㹡��������� ��й��ʹ͢��
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ����Һ�ҧ
    5. ����٧ 160 ��.���� ���˭ԧ�٧ 155 ��. ���� �պؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��С��������ҷ�� ���ͧ����
    6. ��Ժѵԧҹ��������Դ-�Դ��ҧ�� ����ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ
    7. ����ö�ӧҹ��Ш���ҧ��þ�Թ��Ҫ�鹹ӷ��ǻ���� ������˹���᷹��
    8. ���Ѥâͧ�س���觵ç�֧����ѷ ��ŧ����ѵԡ�÷ӧҹ�ͧ��ҹ���ҧ�����´��ҹ�ҧ˹��website��� �������Brands+�Ңҷ���ͧ��û�Ժѵԧҹ
    9. �����˵� ����ѷ����ա���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ�͡ʶҹ��� (�ҡ�ա�èѴ�ҹ�Ѻ��Ѥ÷��㴡�л�С�ȼ�ҹ website ����Һ�繤���� ����к��ѹ-����-ʶҹ���)
    10. ���㹡���Ѻ��Ѥçҹ������ա�����¡�纤�Һ�ԡ���� ������ �ҡ����繺ؤ����¹͡�й�����繵��᷹�ͧ����ѷ� ���Ѻ��Ѥ�������¡���Թ��Һ�ԡ�� �ô�����ٻ�ؤ�Ŵѧ���������駺���ѷ� (��. 02-367-2000 ���� ) �����ҡ�˵ء�ó��Դ�����ҧ� ��س���������˹�ҷ��ͧ��ҧ� �����ٹ���ä���·ѹ�� ���ʹ��Թ����ͺ�ǹ

    ��ѡ�ҹ���-���͹(TEMPUR) ��Ш��Ң�Chic-�繷��� �ҢҾѷ��, ���� ,West Gate, East Ville, Mall�ҧ�л�,�úԹ�ѹ ������9, SB�ҧ��-CDC, HP���١��

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ���-���͹(TEMPUR) ��Ш��Ң�Chic-�繷��� �ҢҾѷ��, ���� ,West Gate, East Ville, Mall�ҧ�л�,�úԹ�ѹ ������9, SB�ҧ��-CDC, HP���١��
    ��������´�ҹ : ���˹觾�ѡ�ҹ��� -- ������������µ����͹ ����ӡ��� 15,000 �ҷ
    ���Թ��͹��Ш� (��鹵��11,000 �ҷ) + �����ǧ���� + ��ҷӧҹ��ѹ��ش + ����Ԫ��� + �Թ�ҧ��ź������ҡ�â�� ��⺹�� ��Сѹ���Ե ��Сѹ�آ�Ҿ ��Сѹ�ѧ�� ��ǹŴ�����Թ��ҷ������ �ѡ��͹��������á ������ʴԡ������ �����駡�û�Ѻ�Թ��͹��Шӻշء�� ����͡�ʤ�������˹��㹧ҹ���§ҹ��������ҹ��� (Retail Management) �ͧ����ѷ� ����


    �ѵ�� : 10 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : Upcountry
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ�� / ˭ԧ ���� 18 - 28 ��
    2. �ز� �.6-�Ǫ.-���.- ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ء�Ң�
    3. ����٧ 170 ��.���� ���˭ԧ�٧ 158 ��. ����
    4. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ���ͧ���� ����դ�������ö㹡���è��ʹ͢���Թ���
    5. ���������ѹ��� ����繼��������ѡ�ҹ��ԡ�� �ҡ�ٴ�����ѧ��ɤ��ͧ �����Ѻ��þԨ�ó��繾����
    6. ��Ժѵԧҹ��������Դ - �Դ��ҧ��
    7. �ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ����س���ѵԷ���˹�
    8. (1) ���˹觹���Ш��Ң����˹���᷹�ѧ���仹��.- 1.CENTRAL �ѷ��..����..West Gate..East Ville.. 4 �ѵ�� /CHIC �ѷ�� 1 ��ѵ��
    9. 2.ROBINSON ������ 9..1 �ѵ��
    10. 3.THE MALL �ҧ�л�..Emporium..2 �ѵ��

    ���˹�ҷ���ҧἹ��ФǺ�����ü�Ե������ (Sr. Production Planning & Control Officer)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ���ҧἹ��ФǺ�����ü�Ե������ (Sr. Production Planning & Control Officer)
    ��������´�ҹ : ��˹�ҷ���ҧἹ��ü�Ե �ҧἹ�����������ͺ�ѵ�شԺ ��õԴ��� �����Թ �����§ҹʶҹ��ó��ü�Ե ����ʹ��Ƿҧ��䢻ѭ�ҡ�ü�Ե (��ü�Ե 100% ��ҧ��Ե��¹͡) �����к����������͡�û����Թ�����§ҹʶҹ��ó��ü�Ե ����ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ�ء���·������Ǣ�ͧ���ͤǺ������Ἱ��ü�Ե��仵���������
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �.�آ���Է 66/1 (ö俿�� BTS �ش��آ)
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���/˭ԧ ���� 25-30 �� �ز� �.���-� �Ң����ǡ�����ʵ�� (Garment Engineering ���� Industrial Engineering)
    2. �ջ��ʺ��ó��µç㹧ҹ�ҧἹ��ü�Ե ��õԴ��� �����Թ ��ФǺ�����ü�Ե �ҡ��áԨ��Ե����ͼ��������ٻ �����¡��� 3 ��
    3. ��ҹ�ҹ�ҡ�ص��ˡ���������鹵� ���㨡�кǹ��÷ӧҹ�ͧ˹��§ҹ��ҧ� 㹺���ѷ��Ե��Ш�˹�������ͼ�� ��駼���ҧ��Ե��м���Ѻ��ҧ��Ե
    4. �շѡ���дѺ���ҡ㹡������������� ��੾�� Excel, Word, Email, Internet ��������੾�з����㹧ҹ�ҧἹ��ü�Ե
    5. �շѡ�з���㹡�ù��ʹ� ������� ��л���ҹ�ҹ �ҧἹ �Դ�����ФǺ����ҹ
    6. �Դ��� : �ѡ� �ѹ����ʧ () �� : 02-367-2000 ��� 2204

    ���˹�ҷ�����������â�� (Sales Analysis Officer) � JASPAL GROUP)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ�����������â�� (Sales Analysis Officer) � JASPAL GROUP)
    ��������´�ҹ : � ���Ǻ��������š�â�¨ҡ�ء�Ң������ҷӡ�����������ʹ��·�������͹ �������� �����»� ����֧��û���ҳ����ʹ���(sales forecasting) ���͹��ҷӡ���������������˵���лѨ��·���ռŵ�͡���ʹ���
    � �Ѵ����§ҹ�ԧ���������ʴ��ż�ҹἹ���� (��ҿ��ٻẺ��ҧ� �����������Ѻ������) ���������������
    � ����ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ���µ�ҧ� �������Ǣ�ͧ ���͡���Ǻ��������� ���͹��ʹ͢��������͡�ù����㹧ҹ
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �����ŧ���͵�����ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ǧ�ҧ�ҡ ࢵ���⢹� �ѧ��Ѵ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 25-32 ��
    2. �زԻ�ԭ�ҵ�� �ҢҺ����ø�áԨ, ���ɰ��ʵ��, �ѭ��, ʶԵ� �����Ңҷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �ջ��ʺ��ó��÷ӧҹ��੾��㹽��¡�õ�Ҵ���ͽ��¢�� 2-3 ��
    4. ������������������鹾�鹰ҹ��� ��੾�� excel ����٧(���ٵ÷��Ѻ��͹㹡�äӹdz��)
    5. �շѡ�з���㹡��������� ��ШѴ����§ҹ�ԧ��������
    6. �ҡ������������ѧ������ �оԨ�ó��繾����

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ٽ֡��������Ź� (���¼�Ե)
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 5 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �Թ��͹�����������ö��л��ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �آ���Է 66 / 1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���/ ˭ԧ ���� 25-45 �� �ز��.3 ���� �آ�Ҿ ��µҴ� ���ʹ��
    2. �ջ��ʺ��ó�ҹ������� ෤�Ԥ������ 10 �բ���
    3. ����Ǫҭ෤�Ԥ����������ͼ��Ὺ�� �����ѡ� ��ʴ� �ػ�ó�ê�����纵�ҧ� ����������ͼ�����駵��
    4. ����ö��纪�鹧ҹ����á (����� ���) �����繵�����ҧ��С�˹���鹵͹ �Ըա����� �������㹡����红ͧ�Ź��ü�Ե
    5. ���������鹵͹������ ��������Ըա�û�Ѻ��ا��鹵͹/�Ը��������Ŵ���� ���� �������¢����
    6. ����ö�͹�Ըա����纷��١��ͧ��龹ѡ�ҹ��Ź��ü�Ե ������级ҹ����
    7. �ز����д� ����㹵��ͧ ��зӧҹ�����Ѻ���������

    Senior Accounting and Finance Officer

    ���˹觧ҹ : Senior Accounting and Finance Officer
    ��������´�ҹ : This position reports to Asst. Finance and Accounting Department Manager and is responsible to operate general financial activities of JPS Fashions (Singapore) PTE Limited, a new affiliate of Jaspal Co., Ltd. This includes all transactions related to cash, receivables, fixed assets, trade payables, payroll, and tax payments.


    - Issue invoice and prepare documents for funds transfer
    - Ensure all payments are correct according to company policy and right of authority approval
    - Prepare financial reports including daily sales report, month-end stock report, profit & loss report, monthly actual and budget report and cash flow budget report
    - Reconcile account balances on the system
    - Liaison with auditors, outsourcing agents, and bankers to submit documents as requested
    - Prepares financial statements to include the monthly balance sheet, income statement and report on changes in financial position/budget variances and maintain related record
    - Records receipts, disbursements, prepare journal entries, reconcile and adjust account balances on the system
    - Maintain the general ledger to include the preparation of journal entries, coding of invoices, account reconciliation, and closing books monthly
    - Assist with the preparation of year-end closings and preparation of working papers for annual audit
    -Assist and review accounting for store operation
    - Maintain and control historical financial statements and underlying records, either on site or at company records retention facility, to ensure availability as needed to authorized person

    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ǧ�ҧ�ҡ ࢵ���⢹� �ѧ��Ѵ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai nationality, male or female, 25 years old and above
    2. Bachelor�s Degree in Accounting or Finance
    3. At least 3 years working experience in the related field
    4. Knowledge of export & import procedures and documentation is preferred
    5. Good communication, detail-oriented, hands-on, able to work independently
    6. Computer literacy (MS Office, email, internet)
    7. Fluent in English communication both written

    ���˹��Ἱ����ǡ�����Ы������ا - ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹��Ἱ����ǡ�����Ы������ا - ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ
    ��������´�ҹ : 1. �Ѵ��Ἱ���ا�ѡ���ԧ��ͧ�ѹ����Ѻ����ͧ�ѡ�����ػ�ó��ҧ� ���¡�ü�Ե ���ا�ѡ���Ҥ�� ��Чҹ�ç�������
    2. �֡�Ҥ�������ö�ͧ����ͧ����������ͧ�ѡ����ͤԴ���ԸմѴ�ŧ����ջ���Է���Ҿ㹡�÷ӧҹ�٧���
    3. �ӡѺ���ż����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ��
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����ç���ҧ �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �͹�� �ѹ�� �ӡѴ �.����� �.�ҧ��-��Ҵ ��.19 (��������.��������)
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ�� ���� 27 �բ���
    2. ���.- ��ԭ�ҵ�� ������º��� �Ң�俿�� ����ͧ�� �����Ң���蹷������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �ջ��ʺ��ó�������ا俿����Чҹ�к������¡��� 5 ������Ѻ��ԭ�ҵ�� �����¡��� 7 ������Ѻ���.
    4. ����ö�ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ�ҷ���ҹ
    5. �������� ��ѭ�� ��еѴ�Թ������ҧ�Ǵ����
    6. ���������� �ӧҹ��������С��ѹ��С�˹���÷����觴�ǹ���ҧ�ջ���Է�Լ�
    7. �շ�ȹ��Է���㹡������ԡ�� �ըԵ�ӹ֡��ҹ������ʹ��� ��С�äǺ�����������
    8. ��������������
    9. �Դ��� : �س���������� �������� () �� : 02-312-6800 ��� 604

    Marketing and Sales Manager - Fashion Apparel / Accessories

    ���˹觧ҹ : Marketing and Sales Manager - Fashion Apparel / Accessories
    ��������´�ҹ : Responsibilities:-

    Reporting to the Brand Director, he/she will take full responsibility for managing the Marketing and Sales functions of one of our house brand footwear. The main duties are:

    � Initiating marketing and sales strategic plans and reviews; preparing and completing action plans; resolving problems; completing audits; identifying trends; determining system improvements and implementing change to achieve marketing and sales operational objectives
    � Forecasting requirements; preparing an annual budget; scheduling expenditures; analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions to meets marketing and sales financial objectives
    � Forecasting and developing annual sales; projecting expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products; analyzing trends and results; recommending pricing strategies; monitoring costs, competition, supply, and demand to determines annual and gross-profit plans.
    � Planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating advertising and all market communication tools , merchandising, and trade promotion programs; developing field sales action plans to accomplish marketing and sales objectives.
    � Identifying consumer requirements; defining market, competitor's share, and competitor's strengths and weaknesses; forecasting projected business; establishing targeted market share to identify marketing opportunities.
    � Researching, identifying, and capitalizing on market opportunities; improving product ranges; coordinating new product development to improve product marketability and profitability.
    � Performing effective people management to accomplish marketing and sales objectives.

    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ����ѷ ��ʻ�� �ӡѴ �.�آ���Է 66/1
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Male /Female, age 35 plus with good personality.
    2. BA. or higher in Fashion Marketing, Fashion Merchandising or any related field.
    3. Min. 7 years' experience in marketing & sales management of fashion retail business.
    4. At least 3 years' experience at a managerial level with ability to run the business unit independently.
    5. High maturity with strong leadership, people management and presentation skills.
    6. Initiative with strong creativity and fashion sense.
    7. Can do attitude, result oriented, self-initiative, maturity and high integrity.
    8. Willing to work hard and accept any challenging assignments.
    9. Strong English proficiency is a must. Computer literacy with solid analytical skills.
    10. Willing to travel both nationwide and overseas.

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ���á�õ�ҧ�����
    ��������´�ҹ : Reporting to Ex-Import Administration Manager, the Export-Import Admin.Assistant�s job description template includes: to provide support in the import/export administration, to prepare import/export documents in compliance with customs regulations and company procedures, to proceed all import processes from purchasing the goods from oversea suppliers, clearing the customs, etc. until the goods has been delivered to warehouse, to generate Company documents and reports and to carry out all related works as assigned by superiors
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, age 21-27 years
    2. Bachelor�s Degree in Business Administration or related field
    3. 1-2 years experience in import and export functions is a must
    4. Having knowledge of L/C, shipping procedures and processing shipping documents
    5. Good command of English, both written and spoken
    6. High attention to detail with high accuracy
    7. Practical knowledge of Microsoft Office software, Internet and E-mail
    8. Good interpersonal and communication skills
    9. Good personality, outgoing demeanor and positive attitude
    10. Hard working and work well under pressure and tight deadlines

    ���˹觧ҹ : Pattern Maker (��ҧᾷ����)
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 20-38 ��
    2. �ز��.6- ��ԭ�ҵ�� ��м�ҹ��ý֡ͺ������ǡѺ��èѴ�� Pattern ����ͼ��
    3. �դ����������ͧ��� ��С�õѴ��纾������ ����վ�鹰ҹ��ҹ����͡Ẻ ���繻���ª����������
    4. ��ҹ�ҹ���ҧᾷ��������ͼ��Ὺ���������¡��� 2 �� ��Ҽ�ҹ�ҹ�ҡ����ѷ �����ç�ҹ����ͼ�� ���繻���ª��
    5. �ӹҭ�ҹ㹡�÷�ᾷ��������ͼ��Ὺ�蹪�� ���� ˭ԧ
    6. ����ö���ҧᾷ��������ͼ�ҵ���ٻẺῪ����Ф��������������¹�����Ф����礪��
    7. �դ�����������ǡѺῪ�� �������ö���·ʹŧ㹧ҹ�� ����վ�鹰ҹ��ҹ����͡Ẻ���繻���ª��
    8. �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹡�÷ӧҹ�Ѻ������� ������������ ���˹��§ҹ������ҧ �Ҿ������
    9. ��µ����ʹ�� ��Ф��ͧ����㹡�÷ӧҹ
    10. ��������������㹧ҹ���ҧᾷ��������繻���ª���ҡ �������� ��� ��ͧ�����������ͺ�Ѵ��鹰ҹ��������ö��Ф�����Ѵ������ᾷ������м�Ե������ҧ �ͧ����ѷ�

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ��֡ͺ��
    ��������´�ҹ : Thai national, age 25-35 yrs. with good personality
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����дѺ��������ö �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, age 25-35 yrs. with good personality
    2. Hold at least BA. majoring in Political Science, Business Admin. or English or MA./MBA in HRM, HRD or related field
    3. 3-5 years direct experience in Training Management with trading and/or manufacturing firm, candidate from high reputable Training Institute is also welcomed
    4. Good knowledge of competency based training, skills development training and individual development program
    5. Strong skills in developing training road map, training programs and training plans that serves company�s requirements
    6. Strong leadership, high maturity, excellent service minded and interpersonal skills
    7. Initiative, well-organized, and dedicated with the ability to meet target
    8. Strong in communication and presentation skills. Ability to be an internal instructor and course facilitator is a must
    9. Good command of English, strong analytical skills and computer literate

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ��͹�Ѻ����Ѻ���Ѿ��
    ��������´�ҹ : �Ѻ�Դ�͡��ҹ��ҹ��õ�͹�Ѻ ����Ѻ���Ѿ�� ��Чҹ��á������ ���������Ѻ�ͺ����
    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���� 21-27 �� (����٧ 170 ��.���� ˭ԧ�٧ 158 ��.����)
    2. �ز� �Ǫ. - ��ԭ�ҵ�� ���ӡѴ�Ң� �ѧ-�ٴ�����ѧ�������дѺ�����ҹ��
    3. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ���ͧ���� �ٴ������� ������� ������§�� ��ЪѴਹ
    4. ����ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ��͹�Ѻ ���/���� �Ѻ���Ѿ�� 1-2 �� ���繻���ª�
    5. ����ö��Ժѵԧҹ㹪�ǧ��� �����ѹ��ش������ͨ��� �������Ѻ�ͺ����
    6. ���������������ͧ (email, internet, Ms Word, Ms Excel)

    �������Ţҹء�� (Assistant Secretary)

    ���˹觧ҹ : �������Ţҹء�� (Assistant Secretary)
    ��������´�ҹ : ��§ҹ��鹡Ѻ�Ţҹء�á�����ü��Ѵ���
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 21 � 25 ��
    2. �ز� ���.�Ң��Ţҹء�� �ҡ�ç���¹����Ţҹء�÷���ժ������§ ���ͻ�ԭ�ҵ�� �Ң��Ţҹء�� �����ø�áԨ �����ѧ��� ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó� 0-2 �� ����դ����������ͧ��èͧ���ѡ ��������ͧ�Թ ���������͡�����蹢� VISA ���繻���ª��
    5. ���ز����� ��кؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ���ͧ���� ��ЩѺ���੧ �����´ �ͺ�ͺ ������������ѹ���
    6. �շѡ�С�þٴ-��ҹ-��¹ �����ѧ��� ������дѺ��
    7. ����������������� MS Office (MS Word ,MS EXCEL ) �Թ������ �������� ����ͧ
    8. �վ�鹰ҹ��ҹ Filing ��Чҹ��á���͡���
    9. �շѡ�з���㹡�����ػ�ó��ӹѡ�ҹ �����ҹ�����Ƿ�������� ����ѧ���
    10. ���ز����� ������������ѹ��� �դ������ͧ��� ����ö�ӧҹ�����觴�ǹ���

    ���������˹��˹������ � ����ͼ��������ٻ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���������˹��˹������ � ����ͼ��������ٻ
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���������ҧ 25 � 35 ��
    2. �ز� �.3 ���� �դ����������ͧ෤�Ԥ������ �������ʴ� �ػ�ó� ��С�кǹ��÷ӧҹ��Ź���红ͧ�ç�ҹ��Ե����ͼ��
    3. �آ�Ҿ�� ��µҴ� ���ʹ��
    4. ��ҹ�ҹ���¡�ü�Ե�ͧ�ç�ҹ��Ե����ͼ��������ٻ �����¡��� 5 ��
    5. �շѡ��㹡�èѴ�ҹ ���§ҹ �͹�ҹ �Ǻ����ҹ ��Ǩ�ͺ�ҹ�����䢻ѭ����Ź��������ͼ��

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ���������䴫��
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Age 27 � 35 years old with min. BA in Textile/Garment or related field
    2. 5+ yrs. direct experience, with at least 3 yrs. in sourcing and dealing with domestic fashion garment manufacturers
    3. Should have knowledge of garment merchandising, sourcing, quality and product development for both woven & knitting product categories for both menswear & womenswear
    4. Be able to identify woven fabrications, have a solid understanding of fabrics, yarns and pricing
    5. Knowledge of basic printing, embroidery and pattern. Able to understand the patterns of the garments
    6. Strong skills in dealing with suppliers with solid knowledge of production process/techniques, raw material selection and usage, material planning, production ordering and costs calculation
    7. Well mature, positive, active, detail-oriented and a team player with good communication and interpersonal skills
    8. Good command of English and excellent in e-mail correspondence
    9. Good mathematical skills and strong Computer knowledge
    10. Work under pressure and tight schedules with high degree of accuracy

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ�ѭ�յ鹷ع��е�Ǩ�ͺ�Ң�
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 24-30 ��
    2. �زԻ�ԭ�ҵ�� �ҢҺѭ�� ����Թ ���� �����§
    3. ����ջ��ʺ��ó�ҹ�ѭ�� ���͡���Թ ��м�ҹ�ҹ�ҡ��áԨ��һ�ա ���繻���ª�� ��������
    4. ���ز����� ��кؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ���ͧ���� ��ЩѺ���੧ �����´ �ͺ�ͺ ������������ѹ���
    5. ��ͧ����������������� Microsoft Office (MS Word ,MS EXCEL ) ����ͧ

    ���˹觧ҹ : Export Sales Manager
    ��������´�ҹ : - developing of sales and profitability for our Bed and bath products, in designated overseas territories.
    - developing sales and marketing strategies, achieving sales target, expanding new prospect clients and business opportunities
    - Planning and execution of distribution strategies in each market.
    - Liaison with our product development and manufacturing team, in relation to product design and development, production and customer service requirements.
    - managing and supporting client�s requirement to ensure that the products and services will meet their highest satisfaction
    - developing and maintaining good relationship with existing clients
    - Planning and preparation of overseas exhibitions
    - Extensive travel overseas
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��طû�ҡ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national , 27-37 yrs. of age with good personality
    2. A Bachelor�s degree in Marketing or any related field, a subsequent MBA is preferred
    3. At least proven 5 yrs. experience in Export Sales, ideally in a fashion goods or home textiles industry
    4. Solid skills in conducting market analysis and business development in overseas markets, developing export marketing plan and strategy, exploring new market opportunities and coordinating with all overseas markets, exposure to international markets is essential
    5. Able to deal with overseas clients and work closely with internal merchandising team independently
    6. Strong business sense with sharp presentation and negotiation skills
    7. Good analytical skills, sensitive to figures and sound PC knowledge
    8. Well organized, committed, self-driven,able to work independently and under pressure
    9. High maturity and hard working team player with strong interpersonal skills
    10. Strategic thinker , marketing type , strong creativity and good fashion sense. Proficiency in both written and spoken English, Mandarin would be an advantage. Enjoy frequent traveling & working with people from different cultures

    ���˹觧ҹ : Administrative Officer
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai nationality, age 24 � 32 years old
    2. University graduate in any field
    3. Min. 1 yr of administrative experience with good communication skill
    4. Mature personality, well organized, and service minded
    5. Strong coordinating with high responsibility and quick response
    6. Good computer skill and good command of English

    ��ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ (Fashion Consultant) / PC

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ��»�Ш���ҹ (Fashion Consultant) / PC
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 135 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : 7,500 �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ���¨ѧ��Ѵ
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���� 18-27 ��
    2. �ز� �.3- �.6 - �Ǫ.- ���.- ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ء�Ң�
    3. �ٻ��ҧ�� (�����Ѥ� ��� ��ͧ�٧ 170 ��.���� ���˭ԧ �٧ 158 ��.����)
    4. �ؤ�ԡ���ͧ���� ���Ҿ ��þٴ-���������ô� �շѡ�з���㹡�ù��ʹ͡Ѻ�١���
    5. ���������ѹ��� ����ѡ�ҹ��ԡ�� ����ջ��ʺ��ó�ҹ����Һ�ҧ ���繻���ª��
    6. �ͺ�觵�� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��������Ѻ�Թ�����ù������Ѥ�
    7. ������л�Ժѵԧҹ��������Դ-�Դ��ҧ
    8. ��ѡ�ҹ��Шӵ�ͧ�ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ�������º����ѷ�

    ���˹觧ҹ : Secretary
    ��������´�ҹ : She will work closely with the Management Team providing an administrative and secretarial supports, coordinating with all departmental units and outside parties , taking care of executive and staff business overseas trips, contacting both local and overseas business partners and also handling administrative functions to facilitate our business operations.
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ������ʺ��ó���Т�͵�ŧ �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Female, Thai national , age 23-30 years with pleasant personality
    2. B.A. in related field or Cert. from any reputable secretarial college
    3. Min.1 years� experience as a secretary to Senior Executive or as an Administration Officer
    4. Strong command of both written and spoken English especially in business conversation and correspondence
    5. Computer Literate (PC / Internet / E-Mail)
    6. An active team player with a sense of urgency and the ability to work independently
    7. Good coordinator with strong organizing, interpersonal and communication skills
    8. Well maturity, reliable and be able to keep confidentiality
    9. Attention to details and ability to work well with tight deadlines are required

    ���˹觧ҹ : Merchandising Manager
    ��������´�ҹ : � Provide advise to Product Development/Marketing team and Merchandising team on new raw material ideas, global material trends, technological advances, critical design formation, construction details and technical performance attributes related to the material selection/development for a style or product category
    � Explore new materials/vendors opportunities and provide alternative sources for material, finished goods and accessories both from domestic and overseas sources
    � Establish systematic searching system from global vendors, mills and supply base and act as internal information resource for overseas and local sourcing and market conditions
    � Develop, review and adjust effective seasonal sourcing/merchandising strategies, master & action plan, expediting system and timeline for follow through related to materials & vendors sourcing, material requirements planning, vendors/sub-contractors selection and all related functions to ensure maximum efficiency in all processes
    � Manage sourcing network and vendor relationship
    � Negotiate cost and conditions with overseas sellers/manufacturers and key local vendors
    � Establish effective systems and standards to evaluate vendor performance
    � Travel to monitor factories or do onsite research, material approvals or sample development as needed
    � Review and approve costing & pricing strategy and the seasonal investments before submitting to the Management for final approval
    � Evaluate, improve and implement new processes for higher quality, shorter lead times, better pricing, improved service and communication both internally and externally
    � Encourage the Merchandising team to be customer-focused, innovative, fast, cost-conscious and team-oriented at all time
    � Work to ensure successful commercialization with proactively troubleshooting to meet the Company goals
    � Report the departmental performance to Senior Management with recommendation for the improvement to ensure all operations are inline with the Management direction
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, Age 33-45 years old
    2. University graduate in Marketing or related discipline. Fashion marketing, Fashion Merchandising or Merchandising Management is preferred
    3. 10+ yrs. experience in apparel and / or leather products merchandising management or combination of equivalent education and related experience. Min. 3 yrs. experience in the post of Merchandising Manager or Sourcing Manager is required
    4. Think strategically, conceptually and creatively
    5. Demonstrate strong management skills and the ability to set up policies, strategies, working systems and standard practices to improve the departmental performance
    6. Possess knowledge of international garment production and inspection processes and the ability to act as an internal resource for both local and overseas sourcing
    7. Good fashion and business sense with cost conscious and strong negotiation skills
    8. Well-mature, committed, good leadership and strong interpersonal skills
    9. Strong ability to communicate effectively with the management, staffs, vendors and factories. Good analytical skills and sound PC knowledge
    10. Strong written and verbal presentation skills both in Thai & English, Mandarin will be an advantage. Able to travel domestically and internationally

    ��ѡ�ҹ��á�� ��Шӽ���ᾷ������м�Ե������ҧ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ��á�� ��Шӽ���ᾷ������м�Ե������ҧ
    ��������´�ҹ : �Ѵ���͡��� �к������� ����ҹ�ҹ ��Чҹ��á������ 㹽���ᾷ������м�Ե������ҧ
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 21 � 26 ��
    2. �زԻ��. - ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ء�Ң� ���Ҩ���ҹ����������ͧ�觡�� ���� �����§ �оԨ�ó��繾����
    3. ��ҹ�ҹ��ҹ��á���͡����Һ�ҧ ���� �½֡�ҹ�˹��§ҹ���ӧҹ��ҹ���
    4. ����ջ��ʺ��ó�ҡ��áԨ����ͼ�� ���� �ç�ҹ��Ե����ͼ�� ���繻���ª�� ��������
    5. ���ز����� ��кؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ���ͧ���� ��ЩѺ���੧ �����´ �ͺ�ͺ ������������ѹ���
    6. ��ͧ����������������� Microsoft Office (MS Word ,MS EXCEL ) ��

    ���˹觧ҹ : ������ᾷ����
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���� 18 � 30 ��
    2. �زԻ.6 - �.6 / �Ǫ.-���.
    3. ��µҴ� ���ʹ��
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó������¡��� 1 �� 㹧ҹ��Ǩ�ͺ ��� ���·�ᾷ��������ͼ�ҵ���Ƿҧ����ҧ���ҧᾷ�����觧ҹ�����
    5. ������������������繻���ª�� ��������

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ��á�ä�ѧ�Թ���
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 22-30 ��
    2. �زԻ��.- ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ѭ�� �����ø�áԨ ���������� ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. ���ʺ��ó� 1 �բ��� 㹧ҹ�͡�����к���ѧ�Թ���-�Ѵ�� ����ز� ���. ��ͧ�ջ��ʺ��ó�ç 3 �բ���
    4. �դ����������ǡѺ�к��ҹ㹤�ѧ�Թ��� �շѡ�д�ҹ��äӹdz ������������������ͧ
    5. ��Ҽ�ҹ�ҹ��ѧ�Թ������ͨѴ���Թ��� ���ͺѭ��㹸�áԨ����ͼ�����������§ ���繻���ª��
    6. ���ز����� ������������ѹ��� �դ�������ö㹡�û���ҹ�ҹ

    ��ѡ�ҹ��� - ��Ш���ҹ/��������

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ��� - ��Ш���ҹ/��������
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 125 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���� 18 - 28 ��
    2. �ز� �.6-�Ǫ.-���.- ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ء�Ң�
    3. ����٧ 170 ��.���� ���˭ԧ�٧ 158 ��. ���� ���ٻ��ҧ ˹�ҵҴ�
    4. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� ���ͧ���� ����դ�������ö㹡���è��ʹ͢���Թ���
    5. ���������ѹ��� ����繼��������ѡ�ҹ��ԡ��
    6. ��Ժѵԧҹ��������Դ - �Դ��ҧ��
    7. �ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ����س���ѵԷ���˹�

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���Ѵ�����ҹ/�ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ
    ��������´�ҹ : ���Ѵ�����ҹ��˹�ҷ���������ҹ ���Ŵ�������Թ�������������Ҿ���������� ���Ť���������º�����§�����ҹ���˹����ҹ�����仵���ҵðҹ�ͧ����ѷ� ����ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ�ٹ���ä�� ������â����� ��º�� ����� ����º��ѧ�����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ�� �������Թ���˹����ҹ����Թ��Ҥ������ �͹�ҹ��СӡѺ���š�÷ӧҹ�ͧ�����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ�� ��ѡ�ѹ�ʹ����������������� ���ҧ����ѡ������ѹ��Ҿ���աѺ�١��� �Ǻ����س�Ҿ��ú�ԡ���١��������仵����º�º���ѷ� ��§ҹ�ʹ��� ����ʹ�Թ��Ҥ������ ���С�â�� �š�ô��Թ�ҹ�ͧ��ҹ ��Т����ŵ�ҧ� ��ͼ������� ��Ѻ��ا�ŧҹ�ͧ��ѡ�ҹ��Тͧ��ҹ���������дѺ���� �Ѵ����§ҹ��ػ�������� �����§ҹ����ʹ͵����˹����
    ����Ѻ�ͧ���Ѵ�����ҹ ���繼�����㹡�ú�������ҹ ����ͧ��ѡ�ҹ ��ШѴ����§ҹ ��Ժѵԧҹ᷹���Ѵ�����ҹ����ͼ��.��ҹ������� ��͹�Ѻ �ʹ͢�� ����ԡ�÷������١��� ��з�˹�ҷ�����Թ (ᤪ�����)
    �ѵ�� : �ӹǹ�ҡ ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����Թ 10,000 �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���� 26 - 32 ��
    2. �ز� �.6 - �Ǫ. ����ջ��ʺ��ó���дѺ���.��ҹ�ͧ��ҹ��˹�������ͼ�ҷ���ժ������§�ҡ��� 3 �� ���� ���. - ��ԭ�ҵ�� ����ջ��ʺ��ó���дѺ���.��ҹ ���� �ͧ���.��ҹ�������¡��� 1 �� ���ջ���ѵԡ�÷ӧҹ���� ��駴�ҹ�ŧҹ ��Ф��������ѵ���ب�Ե
    3. ����٧ 170 ��.���� ���˭ԧ�٧ 158 ��. ���� �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ�� �����������Ѻ�ù���Թ���
    4. �դ��������к���Ժѵԧҹ��ҹ��һ�ա �դ�������ö㹡�� ��䢻ѭ�� ����������������
    5. �ٴ�ҩЩҹ ����������ҷ �ز�����������������ѹ��� �դ�������ö㹡�û���ͧ�ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ��
    6. ����ö�ӧҹ������� �Դ-�Դ �ͧ��ҧ��þ�Թ�����
    7. �������ö������������ѧ������ �����Ѻ��þԨ�ó��繾��������ŧ��Ժѵԧҹ���ҹ������١��ҵ�ҧ�ҵ��ҡ
    8. �պؤ�Ť�ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ����س���ѵԷ�����ѷ��˹�

    Interiors Design Executive

    ���˹觧ҹ : Interiors Design Executive
    ��������´�ҹ : Reporting to our GM, the incumbent�s responsibilities are as follows:

    -Support Sales team by providing home decorating solutions and give interior consultations to customers
    -Present layout, floor plan, choices of furniture, and decorating functions to match the customer�s styles and needs with a sense of elegance and creativity
    -Work closely with Sales Manager as a team to define the customer�s requirements, prepare the best solutions and present the project offering to customer
    -Work on the decorating trends and local market opportunities to advise for the list of new importing selective products from overseas resources and to assure that the selected products are matched with customer preference
    -Responsible for the Showroom�s Visual Merchandising to present the choices of design possibilities to attract customers
    -Perform other jobs as assigned by the Management

    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Male/Female, Age around 27-40 yrs. old
    2. BA. degree in Interiors Design or related field with at least 5 yrs.� experience in home interiors design or related background
    3. Solid interior design skills with good computer knowledge such as Auto CAD, PHOTOSHOP and 3D MAX
    4. Strong communication skills with the ability to grasp customer�s style and needs
    5. Have excellent taste, conceptual thinking, creativity and awareness of trends
    6. Able to manage and deliver projects on time, to budget and specification
    7. Understand the importance of good customer service with the ability to build and maintain client relationships
    8. Strong presentation skills , sound command of English is an advantage
    9. Experience in working with project sales team or proven success in a retail or home furnishings environment is an advantage

    ��ѡ�ҹ���¢�� (��ǧ�Ѵ��¡��������� �ء�ù�� 350 �ѵ��)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹ���¢�� (��ǧ�Ѵ��¡��������� �ء�ù�� 350 �ѵ��)
    ��������´�ҹ : �ҹ���¢�� �繧ҹ���Ǥ���㹪�ǧ��èѴ���Ŵ�Ҥ� ( Sale ) �е�ͧ�ӧҹ������ҵ�����Դ��ҹ �֧ �Դ��ҹ
    ��Ҩ�ҧ����������ѹ + �����ǧ������ѵ�� 1.5 ���
    㹪�ǧ 7 �ѹ�á������١����ҡ���Ҫ�ǧ��� �ҡ�ҷӧҹ�ú�ء�ѹ ��л�ԺѵԵ�����͹䢨����Ѻ�Թ�����(Incentive) �ա�ѹ�� 75 �ҷ
    ����� ����������Ҩ�ҧ+�Թ Incentive + �����ǧ���� 0 �֧ 3 ��. �������� 305 �ҷ �֧ 435 �ҷ ����ӴѺ (��鹡Ѻ��.��÷ӧҹ��ǧ����)
    ** �ѹ�����ͺ��(�����ѹ) ��͹������ӧҹ �����Ѻ��Ҩ�ҧ 115 �ҷ **

    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ҹ�ͧ����ѷ� �ء�ù�� ���ҧ��þ�Թ���/�ٹ���ä��㹡��. ��л������ �������ٹ���ä��㹵�ҧ�ѧ��Ѵ �� �Ҵ�ǹ��� ������쵾�ҫ��-��§���� �繷���-�͹�� ��������-��Ҫ ����������Ũ-����Թ ����š����鹷�-�ѷ�� �繷���-�ѷ�Һժ �繷���-�ź��� ����繷���-����

    �ѵ�� : �ӹǹ�ҡ ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ���٧ 160 ��.���� / ˭ԧ �٧ 156 ��.���� ���� 17 - 27 ��
    2. �繹ѡ�֡�� �дѺ �.6 -�Ǫ. � ��ԭ�ҵ�� ���ͨ�����֡������
    3. �ٻ��ҧ ˹�ҵ� ��кؤ�ԡ�����ࡳ��ҹ��ҧ - ��
    4. �ѡ�ҹ��ԡ�� �ٴ�ҩЩҹ ���ͧ���� ���������ѹ���
    5. ��������л�Ժѵԧҹ��� ��к�ԡ���١��ҵ�������Դ��ԡ�âͧ��ҹ
    6. �����˵� ����Ѻ��ҹ㹡��. ��л������ ��ͧ��Ѥ÷��ʹ�.����ѷ� ����آ���Է 66/1

    ���˹�ҧҹ��ѧ�Թ��� (Warehouse Supervisor)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҧҹ��ѧ�Թ��� (Warehouse Supervisor)
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ��������Թ 35 �� �آ�Ҿ��
    2. �ز� ��ԭ�ҵ�� �ҢҺ����ø�áԨ �Ũ�ʵԡ�� �����Ң�����
    3. �ջ��ʺ��ó��ҹ��ú����ä�ѧ�Թ��� 5 �� ���� �¼�ҹ�ҹ�ҡ����ѷ����Ե-��˹�������ͼ�����/��������ͧ˹ѧ ���� �Թ������Ǵ��觷� �������¡��� 2 ��
    4. �դ�������ö㹡���ҧἹ��к����þ�鹷�� ��õ�Ǩ���Թ���/�ѵ�شԺ �������͹���� �Ѵ�� �к�����������͡���
    5. ����ջ��ʺ��ó��ҹ��ú����çҹ�Ѵ�觴��� ���繻���ª��
    6. �����м��� �դ�������ö㹡���͹�ҹ �ͺ���� ��Ш�§ҹ�����ѭ��੾��˹�����
    7. ���������ѹ����� �շѡ�з��մ�ҹ���������� �����§ҹ �������ö�ӧҹ�����������ѹ���
    8. ����ö���������������ͧ

    �ͧ���Ѵ���- �Ǻ����س�Ҿ (Asst. Quality Assurance Manager)

    ���˹觧ҹ : �ͧ���Ѵ���- �Ǻ����س�Ҿ (Asst. Quality Assurance Manager)
    ��������´�ҹ : Develop and manage the full system for quality assurance for our products in a specific brand from incoming materials to finished products manufactured by our sub-contractors.
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : �����������ö��л��ʺ��ó� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Male/Female, Thai national , age not over 37 with mature personality
    2. B.E. in garment engineering or B.A. in Textiles / clothing or equivalent
    3. Min. 7 yrs� experience in garment manufacturing firms with at least 5 yrs. in managing quality assurance functions of branded garment merchandises from incoming materials to finished products
    4. Knowledge of fabric and fabric composition with good understanding in general garment manufacturing techniques
    5. Able to communicate the brand requirements and liaise effectively with internal departments and external factories, suppliers and vendors
    6. Able to set up internal and external system of quality control & quality assurance system
    7. High expertise to carry out garment, fabric and fashion accessories inspection in local factories
    8. Able to lead and control QA Team, implements to raise quality standard and improves efficiency
    9. Possess in-depth technical knowledge of QA/QC techniques and production/development of fabric and garments and able to give appropriate guidance especially on technical aspect and new techniques
    10. Good problem solving skills and willing to take responsibilities Good computerized skills and sound command of English. Willing to travel, own transport is preferred

    ��ҧ�������ͼ�һ�Ш���ҹ - ��ѡ�ҹ���/��/��/�մ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ҧ�������ͼ�һ�Ш���ҹ - ��ѡ�ҹ���/��/��/�մ
    ��������´�ҹ : ��ҧ�������ͼ�һ�Ш���ҹ
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 18 -35 ��
    2. �ز� �.6-�Ǫ. �٧ 155 ��. ����
    3. ����ö�Ѵ��� - �������ͼ������������ͧ��âͧ�١��� �դ�������������ǡѺ��ʴصѴ��� ��ѡ�����ͧ ����ͻ�ҳյ �Ǵ����
    4. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ ���������ҷ ������������ѹ��� �ѡ�ҹ��ԡ��
    5. ��Ժѵԧҹ��������Դ - �Դ��ҧ�� ����ռ���ӻ�Сѹ��÷ӧҹ

    ���������˹��˹������ � ����ͼ��������ٻ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���������˹��˹������ � ����ͼ��������ٻ
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ���� 25 � 35 ��
    2. �ز� �.3 ���� �դ����������ͧ෤�Ԥ������ �������ʴ� �ػ�ó� ��С�кǹ��÷ӧҹ��Ź���红ͧ�ç�ҹ��Ե����ͼ��
    3. �آ�Ҿ�� ��µҴ� ���ʹ��
    4. ��ҹ�ҹ���¡�ü�Ե�ͧ�ç�ҹ��Ե����ͼ��������ٻ �����¡��� 5 ��
    5. �շѡ��㹡�èѴ�ҹ ���§ҹ �͹�ҹ �Ǻ����ҹ ��Ǩ�ͺ�ҹ�����䢻ѭ����Ź��������ͼ��

    ���˹�ҷ��ؤ�� (�����-��Ҩ�ҧ) - �ҧ���

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ��ؤ�� (�����-��Ҩ�ҧ) - �ҧ���
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : ����к� ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ���� 24-30 ��
    2. �زԻ�ԭ�ҵ�� ��ҹ�����çҹ�ؤ�� �Ѱ��ʵ�� �����ø�áԨ ���ͷ������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. ��ҹ�ҹ��ҹ�����-��Ҩ�ҧ �ҡ����ѷϷ�����ç�ҹ ���/���� ��§ҹ��һ�ա �������¡��� 2 ��
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó�ҹ�����-��Ҩ�ҧ��駾�ѡ�ҹ�ӹѡ�ҹ ��ѡ�ҹ��ç�ҹ ��о�ѡ�ҹ������ҧ��þ�Թ���
    5. �դ������ ���������к��ҹ�����-��Ҩ�ҧ ���ط��������Ҽ����Ѥ� ��кǹ��÷ҧ�͡��� ��С������ç�ҹ�������Ǣ�ͧ
    6. �ؤ�ԡ�� ���ز����� ������������ѹ��� ����㹵��ͧ �շѡ�з���㹡��������� ��������ɳ�����Ѥçҹ
    7. �դ�������ö㹡����ҧ˹ѧ��� ��¹�ç���/��§ҹ��ҧ� ����դ�����������ѧ��ɴվ������
    8. ���������������ͧ ( MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, Email Internet �繵�)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ��ѡ�ҹʵ�͡��Ш���ҹ
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��˭ԧ ���� 22-30 �� / �Ȫ�� ���� 21-30 �� �鹡��ࡳ���������
    2. �ز� �Ǫ. � �.��� �ҢҺѭ�� �����Ң������§
    3. ��Ҽ�ҹ�ҹ�ҡ��ҹ��һ�ա ���ͧҹ����ʵ�͡�Թ�������ͧ�觡�� ���繻���ª��
    4. �շѡ�з��մ�ҹ��Ǩ�Ѻ ��èѴ���§�Թ��� ������º �����´ �ͺ�ͺ㹡�÷ӧҹ
    5. �դ�������ö㹡����䢻ѭ�� ����������������
    6. ���ز����� ���������ѹ��� �������ѡ㹡�ú�ԡ��
    7. ��ЩѺ���੧ ���ͧ���� �آ�Ҿ���ç ����ö�ӧҹ����͹������ШѴ���Թ�����
    8. �ӧҹ������� �Դ-�Դ �ͧ��ҧ��þ�Թ�����

    ��������´�ҹ : She will work closely with our HR Director providing all secretarial supports, coordinating with all departmental units, handling HR related jobs and administrative functions to support her immediate boss and HR Division and providing good service to expatriates in JASPAL Co.,Ltd. and our affiliates in Malaysia.
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Female, Thai national, age 24-35 years with pleasant and mature personality
    2. BA. or MA. in any related field
    3. 1-8 yrs. experience as a secretary or personal assistant to senior executive
    4. Some administration experience and solid skills in handling all supports for an executive�s business trips
    5. Strong command of both written and spoken English especially in business conversation and email writing
    6. Service-oriented with a sense of urgency and the ability to work in flexible time
    7. Good coordinator with strong organizing, interpersonal and communication skills
    8. Work fast and committed to the deadline with high accuracy and neat
    9. Outstanding social competence with a positive mind
    10. Strong computer Literate (Standard software, Internet, E-Mail, etc.)

    ���˹�ҷ���Сѹ�س�Ҿ (QA Officer) - ����ͧ˹ѧ

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ���Сѹ�س�Ҿ (QA Officer) - ����ͧ˹ѧ
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���� 22-30 ��
    2. �ز� ���.
    3. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ���ͧ���� ��ЩѺ���੧
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ��Ե ��Ǩ�ͺ�س�Ҿ ���ͼ�ҹ�ҹ��Сѹ�س�Ҿ����ͧ˹ѧ�Һ�ҧ���繻���ª��
    5. �դ�������鹰ҹ��кǹ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�س�Ҿ
    6. ����ö任�Ժѵԧҹ����ç�ҹ�ͧ����ѷ����Ѻ���������繷�� ������Ӿѧ
    7. ����㹵��ͧ ����������ѹ��� ���ç�٧�㹵��ͧ�٧ ��зӧҹ��������������ѹ��觴�ǹ
    8. �դ��������´�ͺ�ͺ ��䢻ѭ����л���ҹ�ҹ���
    9. �դ�������ö㹡��������� ��§ҹ ����վ�鹰ҹ�����ѧ�����дѺ��ҹ��
    10. �������������� (Excel, Ms Word, Internet, Email)

    Marketing & Sales Manager - Modern Trade

    ���˹觧ҹ : Marketing & Sales Manager - Modern Trade
    ��������´�ҹ : ��˹�ҷ������á�õ�Ҵ��С�â�¢ͧ�Թ��ҷ��͹�������ͧ�͹��觨�˹��¼�ҹ��ͧ�ҧ �Modern Trade� �����仵����º������������ �Ѵ���ҧἹ ������ҳ ���������¡�â�������Ѻ���ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ�� �ӡ�þ�ҡó��ʹ��� (sales forecast ) �������ʹ��� �Թ��Ҥ������ ������ҳ �鹷ع�ҧ��õ�Ҵ��С�â�������仵��������Ѻ͹��ѵ� ���š�ô��Թ�Ԩ������õ�Ҵ��С�����������â�µ��Ἱ�ҹ����Ѻ�����١���(Key Account) �èҵ���ͧ���͹䢷ҧ��áԨ ����ѡ������ѹ��Ҿ���աѺ����� �����������觢ѹ �͡�ʷҧ��õ�Ҵ ����ʹ��Ƿҧ㹡�û�Ѻ��Ƿҧ��áԨ ���š�ù��ʹ��Թ��ҵ�͵�Ҵ �����÷���ҹ����繷����·���դ�������ö �ռŧҹ��Т�ѭ���ѧ㨷��� ��л���ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ�ء˹��§ҹ���㹺���ѷ����ء�Ԩ������仵���������
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���������ҧ 32 � 40 ��
    2. �زԻ�ԭ�ҵ�� ���� � �Ңҡ�õ�Ҵ ��èѴ��� ���� �������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ��
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó��ú����çҹ�����С�õ�Ҵ������ӡ��� 8 �� ��������дѺ�����������¡��� 3 �� ��е�ͧ�ջ��ʺ��ó��ú����çҹ��¼�ҹ Modern Trade Channel ���ҧ���� 3 ��
    5. �դ�������ö㹡�����ҧ��������ѹ����� ����ջ��ʺ��ó����èҸ�áԨ�Ѻ�١��ҡ���� Lotus, Makro, Robinson, Homework ���
    6. �դ�������ö㹡�äԴ�ԧ���ط� �Ѵ�к��ҹ ��к����÷���ҹ�����ŧҹ����������
    7. �դ���������Ҫվ �շѡ�з���㹡��������� ���ʹ� ����èҵ���ͧ
    8. �����м��� �����Դ������� ��зѡ�з���㹡����䢻ѭ����еѴ�Թ�
    9. ����������ѹ��� ���ç�٧�㹵��ͧ�٧ ��зӧҹ��������������ѹ
    10. ����ö ��ҹ �ٴ �����ѧ����� �����������������


    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Age 30-45 yrs. with good personality
    2. BA or MA. in Accounting, CPA is preferred
    3. At least 8 years of direct working experience in accounting with trading and/or manufacturing firm with big transactions, candidate from high reputable audit firm is also welcomed
    4. In-depth knowledge of Accounting Standards, Financial Functions, Thai tax regulations and management reporting
    5. Min. 3 years in management level with strong leadership and management skills, some experience in Retail business is an advantage
    6. Strong skills to provide timely preparation of sensitivity analysis, cash flow, financial statement and cost optimization model, involve with mid-term and manual budget review, exercise budgetary control and thoroughly investigate all expenditures of the Company
    7. Able to manage a team of Accounting and Finance staff and liaise with internal and external auditors, governmental officers, banks etc
    8. Detail-oriented, well-planned and able to meet tight deadlines
    9. High maturity, service minded and strong interpersonal skills
    10. Good English command, strong analytical skills and computer literate

    ���˹觧ҹ : Administrative Officer
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai nationality, age 24 � 32 years old
    2. University graduate in any field
    3. Min. 1 yr of administrative experience with good communication skill
    4. Mature personality, well organized, and service minded
    5. Strong coordinating with high responsibility and quick response
    6. Good computer skill and good command of English

    ���˹觧ҹ : Project Sales Manager
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ �ѭ�ҵ��� ���������ҧ 32 � 45 ��
    2. �زԻ�ԭ�ҵ�� ���� � �Ңҡ�õ�Ҵ ��èѴ��� ��â�� ���� �������Ǣ�ͧ
    3. �ջ��ʺ��ó��ҹ��ú����çҹ�������ӡ��� 8 �� ��������дѺ�������������¡��� 2 ��
    4. �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹧ҹ����ç��� (Project Sales) 3 �� ���� ��੾��㹡�����١����ç��÷����������� �ç��� �ç��Һ�� �������
    5. �դ�������ö㹡����������鹷ع�Թ����ç��� �Ѵ���Ҥ� ��Т���ʹ����͡�â���ç���
    6. �դ�������ö㹡�äԴ�ԧ���ط� �դ���������Ҫվ �շѡ�з���㹡��������� ���ʹ� ����èҵ���ͧ
    7. ����������ѹ��� ���ç�٧�㹵��ͧ�٧ ��зѡ�з���㹡����䢻ѭ����еѴ�Թ�
    8. ����ö ��ҹ �ٴ �����ѧ����� �����������������

    ���˹��ࢵ��� (Area Sales Supervisor- JASPAL)

    ���˹觧ҹ : ���˹��ࢵ��� (Area Sales Supervisor- JASPAL)
    ��������´�ҹ : ����к�
    �ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
    �Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
    ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    �ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
    ࢵ : ���⢹�, �ҧ��
    �س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��-˭ԧ ���� 28-35 ��
    2. ���ٻ��ҧ �ؤ�ԡ�Ҿ ����ʹ�����
    3. �ջ��ʺ��ó� ����ӡ��� 5 �� 㹡�ú����çҹ����Թ���Ὺ��㹸�áԨ��һ�ա (Retail) ��੾���������ͼ�����/ ���� ����ͧ˹ѧ ���������§
    4. ��ҹ�ҹ��дѺ���˹�ҧҹ��������ࢵ��� ���ʹ��š�â�¢ͧ��ҹ����� �Ң� �������¡��� 2 ��
    5. �դ������������㨴�ҹ��â���Թ���Ὺ�� �к���ú����çҹ��ҹ��һ�ա ��С�èѴ���ʵ�͡�Թ�����дѺ���ҡ
    6. ���ز����� ������м����٧ ���������ѹ��� �դ�������ö㹡��������� ����ö����ͧ����ҹ��Ҵ�˭���
    7. �դ����ѹ���� ���¹����������������� ���Թ��㹡�÷ӧҹ�٧ �������鹼�����稢ͧ�ҹ
    8. �繹ѡ�ҧἹ ��Ժѵ� �Դ��� ��Ǩ�ͺ ��ФǺ����ҹ
    9. �դ�������ö㹡���������� �����䢻ѭ�� ���ҵѴ�Թ� �ԹԨ��� ��觡��
    10. ���������������ͧ ����վ�鹰ҹ�����ѧ��ɴվ������