Sony vagus เพ ม ram ทำให render เร วข น

My current PC is an I3 4160, with an Asus H81m Plus motherboard, an 8gb stick of XMS3 1600mhz RAM and a Zotac 750.

I'm considering getting rid of the one stick and buying 2x8gb sticks. Will this have an impact on how long it takes to render my videos? Are there any other tips that will improve the speeds, without reducing resolution. I may even switch back to Movie Maker for long videos. A CPU upgrade isn't really on the cards as the moment, but any advice for one would be appreciated.

If you read all of that I thank you XD Any help on this topic will be greatly appreciated!

Sony vagus เพ ม ram ทำให render เร วข น

Jun 5, 2013 1,133 0 13,260

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Might speed things up a little, but not a whole lot

Sony vagus เพ ม ram ทำให render เร วข น

Dec 29, 2010 2,789 1 26,565

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Are you saving the final cuts of the videos on the same drive as the source files? If yes, consider adding a second hard drive in addition to upgrading the RAM.

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Alright, thanks for the help, I will try and answer your question, kenrivers.

I currently have one 1tb hdd (Toshiba DT01ACA100), so yes, I am saving the rendered file to the same hdd as the source files. Sony Vegas is actually only using 11-12% of my ram, so that is not the problem, as my CPU is almost always at about 90%. I have a few options:

Buy a new CPU for about £180(like a 4690k or 6500) Buy a new GPU as my 750 is not supported (get something like a 670-680 for about £50-80), so I can use GPU acceleration. Buy an SSD for £60 and save Sony Vegas and my source files on there (though task manager only says SV is using about 20% of my disk)

Think I'm gonna go with the gpu as its the cheapest, and I play quite a bit of games anyway. if you have any better suggestions, please list them below.

Sony vagus เพ ม ram ทำให render เร วข น

Dec 29, 2010 2,789 1 26,565

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The GPU won't help with rendering as much as the CPU. The benefit of GPU acceleration comes in when you rendering effects such as transitions and other effects. If you don't have a lot of these then the GPU won't be as beneficial as the CPU which handles most of the rendering tasks. With my setup I use three drives, though you could by with two, with the main drive having the editing program, a second drive for the source files and the third drive is where I store the rendered (final) files. This reduces the amount of writing to one drive. Personally, for editing, I would invest in a CPU and in the future more RAM. Though I don't game I do see the importance of a good GPU for gaming.

drive c เหลือ 109 GB ครับ ผมรู้สาเหตุแล้วครับ แรมไม่พอ แรมผมแค่ 3GB เอง พอ render ไปได้ประมาณ70% มันจะกินแรมไปประมาณ 2 GB กว่าๆ..แล้วก็จะ ERROR ครับ ต้องแบ่ง Render ทีละช่วง ตาม ท่านเทพๆทั้งหลายบอกครับ...ช่วงนี้ยังไม่ได้ซื้อแรมเพิ่มต้องใช้วิธีนี้ไปก่อน