Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม



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Little Maid ReBirth Mod (1.20.2, 1.19.4) is a rework of the existing “LittleMaidMob Mod”. Little maids are tiny creatures that can be contracted and work for you. You can tame little maids by right-clicking them with cake. Then they will be “contracted” and will work for you. You can then right-click them with no special item and access their inventory. Then you have to give the maid some sugar or she will go on strike (not work for you) and you will have to give her another cake. Each piece of sugar lasts for 7 days. You can also dye your maid’s hair in any of the 16 Minecraft colors.

littleMaidMob is a mod created by the users of 2ch and later hosted in the Japanese minecraft forum minecraftuser.jpIt adds a (tameable) mob called the Little Maid, who can do a lot of stuff for you!

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Permissions ★★★★★★★★★★★★

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

注意事項 ・導入は自己責任でお願いします。 ・商用利用はお止め下さい。 ・二次配布に関して 二次配布は許可します。但し、著作権を放棄したわけではないため、 自作した等と表記して配布するのはお止め下さい。これは拙作を改造したものにも当てはまります。 動画での使用は許可します。使用する場合、報告は要りません。

For EBLib and LittlemaidmobNX (1.8)

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

[1.7.2/1.7.10]LittleMaidMobX Ver0.1.0 & 座布団 10/4更新

1.8.X versions are updated and maintained by elise_blacklab here!

[1.8]リトルメイド LittleMaidMobNX[11/28更新]

Thank you all for everything you do!

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Github ★★★★★★★★★★★★

The source code is available on github I welcome pull requests that can help me fix current issues. Please use the Githhub bug tracker to report any bugs.


★★★★★★★★★★★★ Soundpack ★★★★★★★★★★★★

By default, LMM has ghast sounds. In order to have a better experience, download and install the soundpack.

To install the soundpack, simply download it and unzip it in the Mods folder. overwrite the old folder.

Download soundpack

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Installation ★★★★★★★★★★★★

1.7.X Installation 1- Install Forge 2- drop LittlemaidMob 1.7.X 0.0.8 to mods folder. 3- unzip contents of soundpack in mods folder, overwr when asked

1.6.4 and Below 1- Install Forge 2- put MMMLib-1_X_X-X.zip and littleMaidMob-1_X_X-X.zip in mods folder. 3- (Optional) Unzip the contents of the soundpack and copy the assets folder into your %appdata%/.minecraft/asssets/virtual/legacy/sound/. or MultiMC/instances/%INSTANCENAME&/minecraft/asssets/virtual/legacy/sound/ 4- Profit!

★★★★★★★★★★★★ SMP Support ★★★★★★★★★★★★

The mod is fully compatible to use in a SMP, just simple tweaks in the config are necessary.Open the config file mod_LMM_littleMaidMob.cfg located in your config folder and changecheckOwnerName=false to checkOwnerName=true

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Downloads ★★★★★★★★★★★★

Click on "View All' And grab the latest Version

GET MMMLib HERE(Not required for 1.7.x Here for archive purposes)

1.6.4 and older need both files.

There's an unofficial 1.6.4 version by Yarrmateys in this post. Seems to be working fine. Older Versions Here:https://www.mediafir...n/LittleMaidMob

★★★★★★★★★★★★ The Contract ★★★★★★★★★★★★

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

You can tame wild maids like wolves.Hold cake and right click, then they became contracted.The contracted maid is dressed herself with white brim (hair accessory).-Maids are tidy mobs !The maid mobs collect dropped items.-Maids are made of sugar, cocoa and something amorphous.Drop items has been changed.-Maids skirt are full of dreams.Maid inventory (named "inside skirt") is open when you right clickthe contracted maid without special items (sugar, feather or something).-Give me Sugar !When you hold the sugar, maids come across to you and ask you to give it.Each time you give her sugar, her waiting mode and activated mode is switched.When some certain items are placed at the left upper slot of maid inventory,the maid changed into special activated mode (see below).In addition, 0.5 heart recovers per 1 sugar.-Contraction needs considerationContraction period is 7 days in the game, and 1 sugar let you extend another 7 days.If you place the sugars in the maid inventory, the contraction periods are automatically extended.When you forgot her salary, maid gets into strike, until you give her another cake once more.Maid in strike remains and never despawn.

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม
Pictured: maid on strike!

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Colors ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

After forming a contract with your maid, you are able to change her hair color and some other features by right-clicking her with dye. Maids are available in all sixteen minecraft colors!

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม


By placing certain items in the first slot of the maid's inventory and giving her sugar, different modes will trigger:


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

When maids have nothing better to do, you can give her sugar without having any of the special items in the fist slot and it will set wait mode. The maid will stay in the same spot and it will not move


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Every newly contracted maid will be in this mode. Escorts will follow you around and pick up any items it detects.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Just place any sword in the first slot of the maid's inventory and give her some sugar. Fencers will attack any HOSTILE entity near you. Damage taken by the maid is restored by giving her sugar in her inventory. Illustration by: Culter(クルター)


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Place a bow on the maid's inventory first slot and activate archer mode by giving her sugar. Archer's aim is comparable to that of skeletons in the game. Archers will attack Hostile mobs. Arrows will be consumed when shooting so remember to stock your archer with arrows in her inventory.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Axe on first slot. Bloodsuckers will attack any entity deemed neutral (sheep, pig, chicken, cow) or hostile (mobs) To change which entities are neutral/hostile just right-click your little maid with a book (will be consumed on use) and a GUI will pop up to let you change the settings.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Shears on first slot, the maid will shear wool of nearby sheep.Also, maids in ripper mode will stop nearby creepers from detonating,!

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Give your maid some TNT and right click her with some sugar to place her in Demo mode. Maids in demolisher mode will act as a creeper and explode when they are hit. The intensity of the explosion depends on how much TNT she has.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Only available at night or in dark areas. By placing torches on the first slot and activating her, the maid will go into torcher mode and place torches around you, providing some light.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Maids can cook! By placing coal/charcoal on the maid's first slot and giving her sugar, you will be activating cooking mode. In cooking mode, the maid will cook any raw meats, potatoes, or ore placed in her inventory. She will stay by the furnace until everything gets cooked or smelted.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

By placing splash potions or cooked food on the maid's first slot and giving her sugar, Healer mode will be activated. In healer mode, the maid will follow you and heal you/ feed you when your health/hunger is low.

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Give your maids some water bottles and some alchemy materials (spider eye, nether warts, etc.) and they will make potions for you! Remember to click her with sugar to activate the mode.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

Right click your maid with a feather to place her in freedom mode. Your maid will keep the previous mode, but it will also include freedom. Maids in freedom roam freely in a small area without despawning or teleporting to you. Also, maids in freedom mode in snowy biomes will throw snowballs at each other!


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม
You can place a redstone torch on the ground and right click your freedom maid with some redstone dust and it will make her stand post on the block the redstone torch is placed in. Good for placing guards near entrances!


Placing a clock in the maid inventory allows her announce the time inside the game.It is necessary to add certain voices and configure the .cfg files to work this function.Some new parameters are added for voice. *Only available if you downloaded and installed the soundpack.


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม
If you want to "force" your maid to follow you somewhere, simply right click her with some string and walk wherever you want, your maid will follow!


Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม
Right click your maid with a saddle and it will make her sit in your head.


Remember to keep sugar in your maid's inventory!!

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม


Having trouble finding maids?!?

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

If you have enable spawn egg true in your configs, you can use this recipe to craft a spawn egg. (Has to be enabled in the config)

Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Satisfied Players ★★★★★★★★★★★★

I love this mod. The cute factor is limitless in combination with other mods :).
Minecraft little maid mod 1.7.10 mod เสร ม

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Media ★★★★★★★★★★★★

littleMaidMob fanart gallery

<a href="<http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1287042>"><img src='<http://i.imgur.com/7tVTIOF.png'> /></a>

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Credits ★★★★★★★★★★★★

All credits for this mod go to MMM and the other devs and people that made this mod possible in the minecraftuser.jp forum! Without them we wouldn't have these moeballs with us.

Thank you everyone who has given me their support in this thread and helped me help others while I am away! This mod stays alive thanks to all of you!

★★★★★★★★★★★★ Disclaimer ★★★★★★★★★★★★

I do NOT claim in any way ownership over this mod. This thread's sole purpose is to share this awesome mod with the English-speaking community.*If you find any incompatibilities with any other mod, let me know so i can note it. Also remember I am not the developer of this mod so I can not help with any technical info or support. You can post your crashlog and see if anyone can help, I will do my best to help, or relay the crash to the Japanese forum. When posting your crashlog please use spoilers or pastebin.