Game pc แจก starcraft download ต วเต ม

Do you remember Starcraft, the science fiction real-time strategy game for Mac and PC? The original Starcraft debuted in the land of the digital dinosaurs of 1998, and it was widely loved and enjoyed by many for it’s single player campaign and multi-player matches set in a futuristic space world of wars and resource gathering. Now Blizzard has made the original Starcraft free for Mac OS and Windows, so anyone can download and play it on modern computers.

If you’re looking for a little retro gaming fun, Starcraft will deliver. Whether you used to play the original version or not, it’s a legitimately fun real-time strategy game where you will pick a species (Terran humans, Protoss, Zerg), build a sprawling base of structures, gather resources, create and man an army, and battle in a sci-fi world with mysterious aliens, futuristic technology, and robotics. Good fun!

How to Download & Play Starcraft Free on Mac or Windows PC

You can download Starcraft free for Mac and for Windows, just click the appropriate link on the Blizzard download site (Mac or PC), the rest is easy:

  1. Download Starcraft free from and open the Starcraft Launcher app
  2. Choose where you want to install Starcraft and start the process of downloading and installing the full game

Game pc แจก starcraft download ต วเต ม

  1. Open Starcraft (from /Applications in Mac OS) and have fun

Here are a few screen shots of the game:

Game pc แจก starcraft download ต วเต ม

Game pc แจก starcraft download ต วเต ม

Game pc แจก starcraft download ต วเต ม

The original Starcraft is being made available for free to promote the release of an upcoming version of Starcraft Remastered, which is basically a redrawn version of the original in higher resolution. The video below from Blizzard shows the original in all its pixelated glory compared to the upcoming remastered version:

Of course Starcraft isn’t as retro as some of the other gaming options out there available through emulators or otherwise, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less enjoyable.

If playing Starcraft puts you on an old school Blizzard RTS game kick, then playing Warcraft 3 on the Mac is certainly worth your while as well, and Starcraft 2 is also great fun and has significantly better graphics if the original looks a little too dated for you. Perhaps a remastered version of Warcraft 3 will come out someday, or better yet, Warcraft 4? Someday, maybe…

Along with Command & Conquer, Blizzard's StarCraft ushered in the real-time strategy genre as we know it. Hard to believe that was almost 20 years ago.

Never played the game? Good news: It's now available for free.

Why the giveaway? Blizzard is no doubt hoping to create some buzz around StarCraft: Remastered, an updated version of the game due later this year. That version will feature 4K graphics support and improved online matchmaking for multiplayer sessions.

To get the original, at no charge and with no strings, use these download links (these begin the download immediately):

Windows version

Mac version

(Keep in mind that freebies tend to melt the Interwebs, so don't be surprised if you encounter a download delay or other issue. This is not, to my knowledge, a time-limited offer, so you should be able to get it at some point, even if you have difficulty initially.)

Interestingly, this is a newly patched version of StarCraft (1.18), the first patch the game has seen in over eight years. You can get a full rundown of the updates in this post on Blizzard's StarCraft forum.

What's more, this version includes not only the core game, but also the Brood War expansion pack. (Don't be confused by the installer, which mentions only the latter during setup.)

I remember spending a lot of hours playing this back in the late '90s. It may look a little long in the tooth, but the gameplay is as solid and addictive as ever.

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Been really itching to play Starcraft 1 again, i played it religiously from like 98-03 and i want to play through the campaign again. I saw that its for free on Blizzard's website but I can't find the actual download link for the game. Does anyone have a direct link on their website or what I need to do?