การ ตรวจ สอบบัญชี ภาษาอังกฤษ

ab initio
  �ҡ���������� absorbed cost
  �鹷ع�Դ��ҧҹ absorbed overhead
  ��������㹡�ü�Ե�Դ��ҧҹ absorption costing
  �ѭ�յ鹷ع��� acceptance
  ����Ѻ�ͧ�����š�Թ accessary
  �����ǹ��Сͺ acclelrated depreciation
  ��äԴ����������Ҥ���ѵ����� accomulated income
  �������� account balance
  �ʹ���㹺ѭ�� account current
  �ѭ���Թ�оѴ account day
  �ѹ�ú��˹���ê��Ф����ѡ��Ѿ�� account payable
  ���˹���ä�� account receivable
  �١˹���ä�� account receivable discounted
  �١˹��ҡ��â��Ŵ account receivable turnover
  �ѵ�ҡ�á����ع�ͧ�١˹���ä�� account sales
  �ѭ����������´��â���Թ��� account stated
  �Ӻѭ���ѡ�źź˹��ѹ accountancy
  �Ҫվ�ѭ��, �ҹ�ѭ�� accountant
  �ѡ�ѭ�� accounting
  ��úѭ�� accounting change
  ��û�ԺѵԷҧ��úѭ�� accounting control
  ��äǺ����ҧ��úѭ�� accounting cycle
  ǧ�úѭ�� accounting entity
  ˹��§ҹ�ҧ��úѭ�� accounting entry
  ��úѹ�֡��¡�����ش�ѭ�� accounting equation
  ����úѭ�� accounting evidence
  ��ѡ�ҹ��úѭ�� accounting information
  ���ʹ�ȷҧ��úѭ�� Accounting Information System
  �к����ʹ�ȷҧ��úѭ�� accounting manual
  �����ͧҹ�ѭ�� accounting period
  �ͺ�������Һѭ�� accounting policies
  ��º�¡�úѭ�� accounting procedure
  �Ըա�úѭ�� accounting records
  �ѹ�֡�ҧ��úѭ�� accounting standard
  �ҵðҹ��úѭ�� accounting standard
  �ҵðҹ��úѭ�� accounting system
  �к��ѭ�� accounting transaction
  ��¡�÷ҧ�ѭ�� accounting unit
  ˹��§ҹ��úѭ�� accounting valuation
  ��á�˹���Ť�ҷҧ��úѭ�� accrual
  ��ҧ�Ѻ��ҧ���� accrual basis
  ࡳ���ҧ�Ѻ��ҧ����, ࡳ���Է�� accrued dividend
  �Թ�ѹ�Ť�ҧ���� accrued expense
  �������¤�ҧ���� accrued income
  ������ҧ�Ѻ accrued interest
  �͡���¤�ҧ���� accrued interest payable
  �͡���¤�ҧ���� accued interest receivable
  �͡���¤�ҧ�Ѻ accumulate
  ���� accumulated depreciation
  ����������Ҥ����� accumulated dividend
  �Թ�ѹ������ accured liability
  ˹���Թ��ҧ���� acount receivable financing
  ��èѴ���Թ�ºѭ���١˹���ä�� activity
  �Ԩ���� actual cost
  �鹷ع��ԧ added value
  ��Ť������ adjusted entry
  ��¡�û�Ѻ��ا adjusted trial balance
  �����ͧ��ѧ��û�Ѻ��ا adjustment
  ��û�Ѻ��ا��¡�� administrative accounting
  ��úѭ�պ����� administrative audit
  ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ��ҹ������ administrative expense
  ��������㹡�ú����� advance
  �Թ���ͧ affiliated company
  ����ѷ����� agenda
  ���С�û�Ъ�� Agent
  ���᷹ aging schedule
  ���ҧ��èѴ����˹�� allocate
  �ѹ��ǹ, ����ǹ allocation
  ��ûѹ��ǹ, �������ǹ allowance
  ������� allowance for bad debts
  �������˹���٭ allowance for doubtful accounts
  �������˹��ʧ��¨��٭ amortization
  ��õѴ�ѭ�� analysis
  ����������� analytical review
  ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�¡���������� annual audit
  ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�ջ�Шӻ� annual closing
  ��ûԴ�ѭ�ջ�Шӻ� annual financial statement
  ������Թ��Шӻ� annual report
  ��§ҹ��Шӻ� appraisal
  ��û����Թ�Ҥ� appraisal surplus
  ��ǹ�Թ�ҡ��û����Թ�Ҥ� appraised value
  ��Ť���Ҥһ����Թ appropriated retained earnings,
  ���������Ѵ��� appropriation
  ��èѴ��� appropriation account
  �ѭ�ըѴ��� appropriation budget
  ������ҳ���Ѵ��� appropriation of net income
  ��èѴ��á����ط�� arbitrary
  ��˹��ͧ articles of association,
  ��ͺѧ�Ѻ�ͧ����ѷ as at
  � �ѹ��� asset
  ��Ѿ���Թ asset turnover
  �ѵ�ҡ����ع�ͧ�Թ��Ѿ�� assigned accounts receivable
  �����ѭ���١˹������ѡ��Сѹ assignment
  ����͹�Է�� assumption
  ����԰ҹ assumption
  ������ص԰ҹ�ҧ��úѭ�� at par
  �Ҥҵ����Ť�� audit
  ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit adjustment
  ��¡�û�Ѻ��ا�ҡ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit around the computer
  ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�����Ũҡ��§ҹ���������� audit evidence
  ��ѡ�ҹ�ҡ����ͺ�ѭ�� audit guide
  �Ƿҧ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit memorandum
  �ѹ�֡�ҹ��Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit notebook
  ��ش�ѹ�֡�ҡ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit opinion
  ��§ҹ��Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit period
  �ͺ�������Һѭ�շ���Ǩ�ͺ audit plan
  Ἱ���õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit planning
  ����ҧἹ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit program
  �ǡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit report
  ��§ҹ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit risk
  ��������§㹡�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit technique
  ෤�Ԥ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit test
  ��÷��ͺ㹡�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit through the computer
  ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ��û����żŢͧ���������� audit trail
  �Ƿҧ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ audit working papers
  ��д�ɷӡ�á�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� audit year
  �շ��ӡ�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� auditability
  �����������������Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� auditing
  ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� auditing procedure
  �Ըա�õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� auditing standard
  �ҵðҹ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� auditing standards
  �ҵðҹ��õ�Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� auditor
  ����Ǩ�ͺ�ѭ�� auditor�s certificate
  ���Ѻ�ͧ�ͧ����ͺ�ѭ�� auditor�s opinion
  ������繼���ͺ�ѭ�� auditor�s report
  ��§ҹ�ͧ����ͺ�ѭ�� authorized capital stock
  ��鹷ع������¹ authorized company
  ����ѷ���Ѻ͹حҵ authorized security
  ��ѡ��Ѿ�����Ѻ͹حҵ average
  �������� average collection period
  �������ҡ���Ѻ����˹��������� average cost